Indigo League: First battle

The next morning after probably going through midnight celebrating in the festive Ash woke up, he did meet up with everyone after that and they may or may not have gone wild after that, even though Ash didn't drink he felt like he had a hangover.

But he pushed that back and got ready and all that stuff, as he went downstairs he noticed everyone else wasn't awake probably cuz they were tired and unlike him weren't used to getting like 4 hours of sleep.

Which didn't matter since the final part of the top 64 would be today, as he quite literally had a few hours for himself, especially to think about something the Professor told him a while before he left.

{About a month before}

It was one of the days Ash was doing his personal training away from Gary and Green. This time he was specifically focusing on his 3 fighting types having them Spar with each other. 

And it's extra because Annihilape fell behind everyone else since Professor Oak wanted to study him and he is still at a 6-badge level Pokemon.

As Poliwrath and Annihilape were fighting together against Machamp, since out of the 3 of them Machamp was the strongest, the Oak walked up to him.

"Hey Ash, can I talk to you about something regarding your Pokemon?"

Ash raised his eyebrow, "Um, sure this isn't about me rejecting your training techniques right, don't tell me Green also rejected them."

Oak scratched his cheek, "Err, no but that's a complicated matter, I have to ask, is my old technique that unpopular?"

Ash had to hold in a laugh, "Man that is genuinely surprising, but I don't think it's that, I can't talk for them but I don't want your technique because that's what they are, 'Your technique' if say we win it would be a shallow victory wouldn't it."

"I suppose that makes sense," Oak sighed, "But back to the matter I wanted to discuss, it's about your Annihilape and, you know the research paper,"

Oak took a breath, "I wanted to ask if you would be willing to not take Annihilape into the League with you,"

Ash looked up at him and even his fighting Pokemon stopped to look at him, "Why?"

"Well you see, for one part to a lot of people here in Kanto Annihilape could be considered a new species, since no one in Paldea has revealed its existence to those outside of Paldea,"

"But isn't that the whole point of your research paper, to bring Annihilape to the public outside Paldea?"

"That's the thing, I can't," Oak said, "You told me the evolution method you used and I do believe you told me the truth, but I haven't been able to replicate it yet, even with my personal Primeape, none of them have yet been able to replicate that [Rage fist],"

Ash frowned, "So you want to use my Annihilape as an example to everyone else,"

"Well that, and I'm convinced that if I have more time to research Annihilape I can crack the code on [Rage fist], but I can't promise I can get it done by the time the League starts or even if he'll be at an appropriate level,"

"So you basically want me to not use him so that you can get extra research time?" Ash said bluntly to which Oak nodded, Ash sighed and signaled for Annihilape to come over.

"So, you heard what he said," Ash told the monkey, "What do you think?"

Annihilape looked at his fists then back at Ash, "Ape…(Fine, I still have a score to settle with that old monkey, how can I call myself the future strongest if that old Primeape can still beat me!)"

Ash nodded and sighed as he looked at Oak, "Fine, but I want a bigger cut now,"

{Back to Present}

Ash sighed as he held up Machamp and Poliwrath's Pokeballs, he was down to these 2, which wasn't bad by any means, but the surprise of using a new Pokemon he wanted to have was gone, since even if he got Annihilape back now he would technically his weakest Pokemon.

Ash sighed as he felt a hand on his shoulder looking over he saw Green standing over him, "Whatcha doing,"

"Just waiting, and I guess you already finished your battle?"

"Yep, I'm officially in the top 32,"

From the side a familiar voice spoke, "Surprised you didn't get disqualified," it was Gary walking over and sitting on the couch across from them.

"Why, you scared I'll beat you," Green said smugly

"No, just thought with your track record you'd find some way to fumble but color me surprised," Gary said lying on the couch

As Ash saw the banter a thought came into his head, "You know I just realized something, we're all talking like we're going to have an epic final battle in the finals to determine a winner, but what if we're all in the same side of the brackets?"

"Huh, didn't think of that," Green said

"Yeah that would kill all the hype from it," Gary agreed

"Welp, the only thing we can hope is that that doesn't happen," Green announced

Ash shook his head, "Sure like we can control that, anyway you guys have any plans for today or are you just gonna enjoy the festival until the brackets get announced?"

"Honestly, probably was going to go watch the last few rounds," Gary said

"Yeah, same honestly," Green admitted.

Ash let his phone fly out of his pocket and show him the current state of the battles, "Well it looks like it's the last match already between 2 people some guy named Remo and a girl called Jane, and it looks like Remo is gonna win,"

"Seriously?" Gary said hopping over to Ash's side as he pulled up the stream

On the screen was the battle where the girl Jane had 2 Pokemon down and only had her 3rd a Pidgeot while it looked like Remo was on his first a Rhyperior, who did look bruised but not as much as Pidgeot.

As Ash watched the battle he couldn't help but wonder, 'Remo, I know I heard that name before but where?'

As Ash thought Remo on the other side spun an umbrella he had with him, "Rhypo let's finish this, [Stone Edge]!"

Jane looked like she flinched, "Pidgeot try to dodge!"

Pidgeot tried flying higher into the air but Rhypo stomped on the ground creating stones to raise and with another swipe shot multiple stones like bullets at Pidgeot hitting it directly and causing it to fall down to the ground, knocked out,"

"And that's it, folks!" The announcer said, "That concludes the top 64 matches with Remo emerging victorious, you know what that means, going forward the official brackets for those in the top 32 will be made, stay tuned folks we got some surprises and some battles that we know you'll want to see!"

Ash had Rotom turn off and then fly back to his pocket, "So I guess that's it then, now we gotta go in,"

Gary shrugged as he hopped over the couch and sat next to Ash, "I mean, yeah but I doubt a lot of other things will cause us too much trouble, from what I found I think there might be 3, maybe 4 other people that will be any challenge,"

"Yeah, just as long as you 2 remember to register you'll be fine," Green said.


"We'd have to be idiots to forget to do that,"

Ash shrugged and got up, "Well we got a few hours before we even find out who we're fighting, you guys wanna try some weird drinks, I here there selling Cor-soda and Mtn Budew,"

"That sounds stupid and I love it," Green said

Gary shook his head, "Nah, I drank a bunch of that stuff last night, that stuff messed me up, but I'ma go look over the VODS, and see who we're up against."

By then Ash saw Brock, Misty, and Yellow walk out of the rooms they were staying in so he said his goodbye and went back to meet up with them.

{A few hours later}

Everyone was together again waiting at the front desk, along with a lot of other people, they were waiting on the screen for the final brackets to be announced.

After a moment the screen changed to the final brackets that would be final from now until the end of the League. Instead of looking for his name Ash had Rotom hop out of his pocket and take a picture, then he walked away.

Green and Gary both noticed so with them and the other 3 made 5 people looking over Ash's shoulder at the phone, now first thing that stood out, Ash was on the left side, and Green and Gary were both on the right.

Specifically, Gary was at the top and Green at the bottom, so if they wanted to fight each other Green and Gary would need to get to the semifinals and then the winner would face Ash.

As they processed that Ash looked at who his opponent would be, it was some guy named Joshua, and even on their sides, they were also facing no-name characters.

Though a few names surprised him, Remo is still there and Ash wants to feel like he remembers, then there's also Cross who seems like he also made it but he hasn't seen him.

A lot of the other fights are boring or unimportant, the only ones Ash paid attention to were Mandi vs Corev, Assunta vs Neesha, and Otoshi vs Fergus and that's only because he recognizes both people.

But speaking of Remo he was also on the lower part of the left side while Ash was on the top, and his opponent was Joe.

{The next day}

Ash was walking up to the stadium, his friends went up to the stands to watch since it was the first battle of the day. Ash was still a bit groggy but honestly, he wasn't too worried, not to be cocky or anything but he looked up to his opponent on the League record he was allowed to look at.

Pretty much the way the research rule works is that they can pretty much do anything except battle the person in secret to learn their strategy or ask people that would know them personally, and from what Ash found about Joshua was, kinda disappointing.

It started out promising, Joshua apparently participated in last year's tournament and placed in the top 16 only losing to Koga himself, but that's where the impressive stuff ended.

According to recordings of his Gym battles, he was not any stronger than he was at the end of last year's tournament, in fact in some areas he was weaker, almost like he didn't train at all, and what's worse he was the cocky type.

From the top of the stand Misty, Brock, and Yellow were sitting next to Green and Gary as they watched and waited for the battle to begin.

Yellow hugged Chuchu as she looked nervous, "Do you think Ash can win?"

"Phh, he better," Gary said, "After all how can I call him my rival if he loses in the first round, I need to settle the score with him."

Yellow didn't seem as relieved at Gary's blunt response so Brock put his hand on her shoulder, "Relax, I'm sure Ash is ready, and besides even if he isn't worrying won't do anything, so let's just cheer for him to do his best."

As he said that the announcer sope over the speakers, "Wellcome back everyone to a new day, and this marks the beginning of the Indigo top 32,"

People started cheering and yelling out celebrations and chants, "Now let's introduce our trainers, on the green corner is Joshua. He is a very experienced Pokemon trainer and had been in the top 16 in the previous Indigo league and he made it all the way back hoping to redeem himself!"

From the right side of the stadium, a man with brown hair and blue eyes came out waving at the crowd as his fans started cheering for him with more than a few confessing some things that not even Arceus himself would want to listen to.

"Looks like Joshua is the crowd favorite, but let's not call it just yet, on the red side, it's his first time participating in the year, a trainer who met the qualifications to skip the previous rounds, this is not just his fist time in the Indigo league but also his first battle!"

People started mumbling to themselves hearing the generous introduction to be able to skip all the way to here, most people didn't even know that was an option.

"He started this year and completed everything in just this 1 year, let's greet Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town!" The announcer said as People proceeded.

From the other side everyone saw Ash walk out from the side with Pikachu on his shoulder, he stretched his arm behind his head as he walked up the platform.

"Now this first round match of the Indigo Conference is about to begin, this battle will be a three-on-three battle, the battle will be over when three Pokémon on one side are no longer able to battle! Trainers ready?!" the announcer yelled and received a nod from both Ash and Joshua.


Both trainers shouted as they each brought out their first Pokemon.

Ash's first Pokemon was Victreebel, while Joshua's was a Flareon

Joshua smiled seeing he had the advantage, especially after Ash's introduction took the spotlight away from him, so what if some random kid was here, he was Joshua he was awesome!

"Begin!" the announcer said

Joshua took the first move, "Flareon burn that overgrown weed, [Fire Spin]!"

Flareon raised its mouth as fire spun in its mouth before shooting out a blast of fire that created a ring of fire around Victreebel so if he moved he would get caught in the fire.

Joshua then smiled wider, "Now get in close with [Fire Fang]!"

Flareon's jaw ignited in flame as it started rushing forward and jumped, the whole time neither Ash nor Victreebel did anything.

When the firefox jumped Ash took his hands out of his pocket, "You done, good, [Leaf Tornado]"

Victreebel's body spun around as his vines planted into the ground when he winded up he let go as a strong pressure of wind was created and leaves were created from the Grass energy.

Not only did the pressure extinguish the fire it sent Flareon flying up into the sky after making it lose its balance.

"Flareon no! Grr, try to turn around in the air and [Flare Blitz]!"

"Let's just get this over with, [Fly trap] (model Strength Sap)"

Flareon spun its body in the air as it looked down and spun as its body was covered in flames and in a spin started flying down, but from the ground that Victreebel planted his vines multiple super thick vines extended out of the ground

The vines latched onto Flareon and although it had fire on its body the water in the vines with the dirt from the ground where enough protection, as Flareon's strength began to be taken the flames on its body became weaker.

Flareon tried escaping but Victreebel brought the fox closer and put it in his mouth, beginning the second part.

Joshua flinched as he saw Flareon lose the strength to even fight back so he made one more desperate command, "[Fire Blast]!"

Victreebel seemed to glow a bit as his cheeks extended but nothing and after a moment Victreebel spat the fox out with a bit of smoke coming from his mouth, knocked out.

You see Victreebel's mouth is also covered in poison, specifically one that is less poisonous and more slimy and watery so that prey can't escape, but it still hurt.

Joshua and his fans were looking at Flareon's unconscious body as they saw Ash stretching his arms behind his back, "Alright that was a nice warm-up, bring on the next."