Chapter 309

"Murder?!" Michael was caught off guard by that. He didn't know if Henry was serious or not about the possibility of Sarah murdering Dahlia. "I mean, I know that woman has deep thoughts and is very unreadable. But murder is a serious crime. I don't think a noble lady like Sarah would do such a thing that'd put you in jail."

"It's exactly because she is a noble lady that a murder wouldn't be so difficult," Henry refuted. "Do you think the police don't know about Marlon and Penny's action to drug James and tamper with his car the night he died? Oh, they might be cruel, but they are awfully obvious."

"The police got plenty of evidence inside James' body and the car, but no arrest warrant was given for Penny and Marlon. Why? Because Marlon used his connection to one of the higher-ups in the police department to halt the investigation immediately and bribe them to keep the police shut."