Dine á Me

One word summarized the exquisite furnishings and finishings of 'Dine á Me'. It was a fine Diner.

Elena looked around the private restaurant without a word, but with invisible question marks on her head that didn't go unnoticed by a certain someone that had his gaze on her.

Again, Mark had to decode the question since he was used to her keeping a lot of words to herself.

He didn't know how she was able to keep to herself when in the actual sense she always looked like she had a lot to say

'Why did you bring me to this kind of restaurant?' That was the question she had intended to ask.

Walking side by side, he leaned in to whisper to her ear so that only she could hear it, "I only brought you here because I was scared you might kick my balls." Leaning away to keep a distance like a proper gentleman, he continued, "You already didn't like the cocktail party with a lot of people in sight."

Elena finally understood the reason he brought her to a restaurant that had private rooms, but at this point, she wished he had taken her to a more open diner so that a few reputable elites could see them sitting together.

After all, Mark Wang was her aim for a reason.

Regardless, Elena felt she could use some privacy for that evening and didn't dwell so much on their surroundings any longer.

"So, what do you think of this place?" Mark probed as he pulled out a chair for her. They were left alone after someone showed them to the private room he requested.

"Thank you," she mouthed before letting her gaze dart around the small cozy room befitting and spacious enough for two. "I like it."

Mark smiled and went over to the other side to pull a chair out for himself. "How many star ratings would you give it?" he asked with his gaze pressed on her.

"Trois." Elena raised three fingers for him to see.

"I see… you know French." The brown in Mark's eyes darkened further as he breathed, "That means you understood what I said to the person at the front desk clearly." Already, he was beginning to find Elena more intriguing and worthy of his time.

"Yes," Elena agreed.

Mark could tell that Elena was not just a pretty face with an innocent thought. There was more to her that he wished to unveil. "So, what other languages do you speak and understand?" he inquired.

"You will find out as time goes on." Elena managed a smile while refusing to say more than needed.

Mark's eyes glazed over to her thin pink lips. Catching that subtle smile that quickly disappeared as soon as it came, he mumbled to himself, "Brilliant."

Letting out a soft sigh, he moved his gaze back to those pair of dazed eyes. "So, can I take it that you want to see me often?" he drawled as his eyes pressured her for an answer.

Elena was almost sucked into the pool of his brown eyes. She was fighting to give an answer to his question when luckily, someone knocked on the door and walked in to hand them the menu.

She released a soft sigh of relief as she received the menu. 'I can't let him know my game so soon,' she cautioned herself.

As her gaze moved over the several pages of the Menu, she discovered that 'Dine á Me' wasn't exclusively a French restaurant, and that gave her several options of food choices to make. She was glad.

After placing their food order, Mark ordered a bottle of wine before they were left alone once again.

Now that they were back to breathing the same air, Elena could hardly meet his gaze.

"So, why would you give three?" Mark asked as he continued with their conversation. "Huh?" Elena's eyes rounded in their sockets. She couldn't really wrap her hands around that question.

Seeing her confusion, Mark clarified, "I'm talking about the three stars you said you would give to this diner. Why would you give only three, I thought you liked this place."

"Oh!" Elena nodded in understanding. "The three stars are only meant for the interior and organization of the restaurant. When I try their food, I will judge the remaining stars to give along with their services."

"Wonderful!" Mark acknowledged just before his attention was grabbed by his phone. "Excuse me for a moment," he said while holding up a finger before picking his phone up from the table.

With nothing to do, Elena let her gaze dart around the room, studying the two paintings on the wall, and that was when she noticed she was a little chilly. She quickly flicked her hair behind to cover the exposed skin of her back.

"Are you cold?" Mark asked as he looked up from his phone. He had just finished texting Eric that he wanted to remain a gentleman for as long as possible when he caught her movement.

Elena scrunched her nose in a funny way and pushed her shoulders up. "Umm… A little."

"I'm glad I asked." Saying that Mark rose to his feet and pushed his seat backwards before striding over to her side while taking off his suit jacket.

He was going to offer it to her, and Elena could see it. But something happened amiss. Mark didn't give the jacket to her rather, he moved her hair to the side and placed the jacket over her shoulders before pushing her hair back behind her.

He took a step back and considered her for a moment before nodding in satisfaction. "The jacket suits you. Do you want it?" he asked as he returned to his seat.

"What about the pants?"

"Well, I don't think the pants would fit you. The last I remember you had a tiny waist and your thighs were not as thick as mine. Of course, unless you have magically put on some weight there."

Mark was talking about their one-night stand. Was he flirting with her?

Instantly, heat rose to Elena's cheeks as she moved a finger to flick her nose gently. She could remember how his hands ran down her naked body, feeling her up and doing insane things to her mind.

She would never forget that night in a hurry.

Although she had added a little flesh as five years ago was a long time, she couldn't bring it up. She didn't want her response to suggest that she wanted a repeat of what happened that night, and she didn't want his pants.

He should leave it hanging around his waist or did he plan to hand it to her if she insisted on having it immediately?