Well-crafted Strategy

A few minutes later, the three women settled on the couch and crossed their legs over the other.

"Now, we are ready to shop," Mirabelle announced with a smirk that was continuously growing across her lips.

"Bring every new arrival to us," Stella instructed, uncrossing her legs.

"Nothing less than a 2022 collection," Kate added with a small smile that graced her lips.

Elena didn't want to waste a second taking in their looks as their beauties were fake. She could already spot the differences in their looks when they met inside the store.

Their personalities were too ugly for anyone with a sense of humanity to stand.

Without wasting a second, Elena turned on her heels and walked away from the room. A minute later, another shop attendant in uniform walked in to serve them champagne.

Instantly, surprise coated Mirabelle, Kate and Stella's faces. "Where is the shopping assistant sent to us?" Kate inquired with slightly furrowed brows.

She looked ready to go into the main store to find Elena herself if she didn't get a satisfying answer.

Given how they had asked for Elena as soon they saw the unfamiliar face, it was clear they were afraid the former had escaped from their claws.

"She is on her way," the store attendant replied as she put away the champagne bottle in the stainless ice bucket.

Relief washed over their faces. "Very good," Kate sighed.

Soon, Elena returned to the room while pulling an entire moveable clothing rack with her. She was not alone. Two other shop attendants came with her bearing different sizes of bags and shoes.

As soon as they put the items down, Elena thanked them and turned to the three bitches as they walked away, leaving only the lady that served the champagne.

"I brought the latest addition to our stores," Elena said while picking up the first clothing on the rack. It was a pink dress that looked straight out of a Couture House.

Immediately the three women sighted it, they all rushed over at once, but Mirabelle was faster, so she was the first to snatch it out of Elena's hand.

"I will try it on," she smiled and winked at Kate and Stella before following the other shop attendant to change behind the thick black curtains.

As soon as they were out of sight, Kate and Stella folded their arms below their chest while fixing a glare on Elena. "I suppose you must have something special for us," Stella insinuated with an underlying threat in her tone.

She would not take it lying down if she doesn't get a dress as good as the one Mirabelle took with her.

Knowing that right from the time she was picking the clothing, Elena scoffed inwardly before gesturing to the rack. "Everything here is special." Saying that she picked another dress from the rack and showed it to them.

It was a multi-coloured flowery dress that was recently featured in a magazine.

The instant Stella recognized it, she didn't wait for her to explain the origin of the dress before snatching it from her. "I will take this one," she said before disappearing behind the curtain.

Before Kate could start her own threat, Elena shoved a silky sky-blue dress into her hands. "This dress arrived only yesterday, and the colour will suit your skin."

The corners of Kate's lips drew up into a big smile. "You have good eyes," she said before disappearing behind the curtain like her other friends.

Now left alone, a deep breath escaped from Elena's lungs. She just knew how to deal with people like her stubborn pursuers.

She had purposely picked out the best dresses they would love based on their style. But it was not done to satisfy them or get her accolades.

She had done it just to get them off her back for a bit. She had to take a break from all their insults and in that case, she had to keep them occupied with something they would go crazy for.

Without knowing they were playing into the hands of Elena's well-crafted plans, the three women emerged from behind the curtain one after the other, in the order they had gone in.

"How is it?" Elena asked as Mirabelle twirled in front of the long-standing mirror at the far corner of the room. While asking that question, she brought over a pair of deep pink-coloured stilettoes to her. "This will be perfect for it. Do you want to try it out?"

From the mirror, Mirabelle's eyes fell on the shoe. "Help me try them on," she said, making her way back to the couch so that Elena would crouch them at her feet and fix the shoes on them.

Elena had absolutely no problem with serving them like their servant just as long as she didn't hear any insults from them.

As soon as Elena was done with her, she had to immediately face Stella and Kate. She either had to compel them into picking a bag or a shoe before handing them more clothes to try out.

And in the order she had sorted the items she gave to them, she was sure that none of them would complain outrightly that the other had better items than them. At most, they would only think of how beautiful the other items were while being satisfied with theirs.

An hour later, the second staff that had been assisting Elena with her nemesis, pushed the clothing rack out of the room.

"It is no wonder you make a good shopping assistant." A grin sat on Mirabelle's face as she watched Elena ring in their bills.

Hearing that, Stella shifted her gaze to Elena and scoffed. "Of course, she has to do a good job and I really trust her taste. After all, her family used to be wealthy."

In simplicity, there was no way Elena wouldn't know anything about fashion and fitting after living a wealthy sheltered life for several years before everything fell apart.

Elena held her breath. She would be a liar if she denied that all those painful words and memories didn't just stab at her heart. But she would be a loser if she dared to show even an ounce of her emotion.

She would never let her enemies have the last laugh and also, she was grateful she was done serving the bitches. Now, they will leave the store with all their bags and baggage.