Eye Candy

When Mark got back to his penthouse, he took off his shoes by the entrance and made his way straight towards his master bedroom.

The room, dimly lit by the coloured lights blaring from above him, welcomed him with a sense of tranquillity. 

Mark shut the door behind him, threw his phone on the bed along with his car key and slowly began to unbutton his shirt, eager to get under the shower.

As he slid each button out of its hole, a soft ringtone suddenly pierced through the silence. Instantly, his fingers paused briefly on the fourth button as his gaze narrowed.

Without thinking twice, he took a step towards his perfectly made bed and picked up his phone to check the caller ID.

With one hand holding the phone and the other clutching his partially unbuttoned shirt that showed a glimpse into his sexy abs, Mark's brows straightened.