Uncommon Friendship

Unaware that Mark was entranced with her body, Elena continued, "I was very tired and decided to take a nap without knowing I had set the wrong time on my alarm clock."

"That's fine." Mark finally returned his gaze to her face. "As long as you didn't cancel on me last minute." That would have been a turn-off for him.

"Did you try on the bracelet?" he inquired, having failed to spot the pure silver item on her wrist. Instantly, Elena was reminded of the gift he had given to her.

While rushing to beat time, she had forgotten about the paper bag. "I will go try it on now," she assured him the same moment she turned on her heels.

A few minutes later, Elena returned with the bracelet on her wrist. It was a sterling silver caviar spark diamond link bracelet. It was not just any kind of silver.