Unexpected Kiss

"Yes, I am," Mark smiled. "Or you don't want me to leave anymore?" He teased.

Elena continued staring at him without saying a word. Could she tell him that she truly wasn't comfortable with him staying over at her place since they were yet to know each other well enough for that?

She wouldn't sound so rude, would she?

But thinking about it clearly, Mark didn't look like someone that would take any offence to hear the truth from her. On a second note, she changed her mind.

That Mark was tolerant of her didn't give her the express ticket to do as she wanted.

"I was only worried about you driving since you mentioned you were tipsy," Elena said instead without breaking her gaze.

"Chatting with you has cleared my head a bit and besides, I never planned to spend the night here. I was only pulling your legs." Having offered her an explanation, he led the way to the entrance.