Wonder News

"Mummy, who was that?" Mia asked the second Elena shut the door.

"I thought you were not interested in him," Elena said to her while leading the way to the living room. Mia had no idea what she was talking about, so she had no answer to give.

Right as Elena sat on the couch, her mother walked out of the bedroom and made an appearance. "You had a visitor?" she inquired.

"Yes," then Elena looked at Mia who seemed to be distracted by the gifts before adding, "Her father." Mentioning her name would only attract her attention so she skipped it altogether.

"And he brought all these?" Marie asked, her gaze moving from one item to the other. She seemed surprised by Mark's reaction and actions. It was kind of early to comment about him being responsible, so she kept that compliment to herself.

Elena followed her gaze and nodded in confirmation. "I'm sure he brought things for Mia."