Understanding Skills

Hearing him call her, Darling, Elena snapped her gaze back to him. It's been a while since she last heard him call her that.

Most times, she doesn't even think they are dating. There is no romance between them, not that she was begging for one, only kind gestures.

Sometimes, she felt that there was something he wasn't telling her about their relationship, and other times, she wanted to confront him about it.

She didn't think they were 'close' enough for him to address her so intimately, but how could she stop him? She had no reason to since they were 'dating'.

But rewinding her thoughts to his question earlier, she quickly prepared an answer. "Yes, you have." Indeed, he had been able to successfully correct the wrong notion she had about his career. 

Just then, two waiters came forward to serve their food and at the same time, Mark asked them to prepare another set for takeaway.