How To Get Drunk

Seeing that he wasn't offended by her question, Elena decided to go on with it.

"So, are you addicted to drinking?" She asked, putting her question more nicely this time around.

To that question, Mark shook his head. He washed the two glasses under a running tap and returned to her side with some napkins as well.

"That question is a little hard to answer you see." He took a few sheets of napkins and used them to wipe the water from the glasses before dumping them in the trashcan. "I don't drink a lot, but I love to drink so that is the reason I have different brands in my refrigerator."

Leaning in so that their foreheads were a few inches from touching, he whispered while maintaining eye contact with her, "So, do you think I am an alcoholic?"

Elena dipped her head backwards to create enough space between them. She needed that safe distance to be able to think well otherwise his breath along with the nice scent of his perfume would drive her insane.