A Complaint Filed Against Her

"Who is that?" Elena inquired while leaning in a little closer. 

It seemed like Mark was tired of trying to get a straight answer, so she would do the questioning herself by going straight to the point.

"Michelle Ang," Eric answered with a smile. Mark scoffed on finally remembering who Eric was talking about. Maybe the woman was not important because why does he keep forgetting her existence?

"Did she offend Mark?" Sam asked with a grin growing wide on his face. "Yes," Eric confirmed with a nod. He still seemed to be having the best moment of his life getting someone arrested.

It sure did feel good to put some people in their place.

"I knew it," Sam said, turning his attention to Mark whose turn it was to pick up a glass of Champagne and drink from it. "So, what did that woman do to you? Did she try to hunt you down?"