His Great Idea

Mark walked up to the door of the bathroom with a white bathrobe draped on his arm and knocked softly.

"Elena, I got a bathrobe for you. You can have a bath at the same time," he said and waited patiently for her response. 

It took five seconds for the door to open quietly. Elena peeped before stepping out of the way. "Thank you."

"Do you want me to run the bath for you?" Mark asked while handing the bathrobe to her. "No, I can manage. Thank you."

Mark nodded and then pointed out where she could find the spare toiletries inside the shelf below the wall mirror. "I think you can relax and use my bath soap tonight, tomorrow, we will go to the mall to get you and Mia's brand of products."

Mark was already planning on making their visits often then once they were married, they would see what they could do about their living condition. He would love for them to move over and rent her condominium out or keep it. It all depended on Elena.