No Hindrance

Rachel felt the awkwardness in the air, especially between the brother and sister and decided to lighten the mood. "Nobody is having fun without you," she said.

As quickly as his gaze had taken in the newcomers, Eric fell on Mark and almost immediately the full-blown smile returned to his face. "Hey, brother!"

Mark glanced at the hand he reached out to him for a moment and then moved his gaze to his face to take in the looks in his eyes before reaching out to shake his hand as a soft sigh escaped from his thin lips. 

Across from them, Yang Mingze stared openly at them. He remembered reaching his hand out for a handshake and Mark never reciprocated the gesture. 

At first, he thought that he simply didn't like handshakes, and he almost confirmed it when he didn't take Eric's hand immediately. But after discovering that his own case was different, his face lost humour.