His First Post

While on their 'Honeymoon' Mark released a photo of himself and Elena holding hands on his official social media page, making it the only post on his account. 

Within a twinkle of an eye, the post had already generated more than a hundred thousand likes but Mark was unaware. As soon as he made that post, he slipped his phone into his pocket and focused on Elena who seemed to be relaxed watching the sea.

"Let's go shopping," Mark whispered in her ears as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "You need a change of wardrobe," he added.

Feeling the rush of breath against her neck, Elena tilted her head to the side with a smile hanging at the corner of her lips. Immediately, Mark brushed his lips against her cheek before moving in close to capture her lips with his mouth. 

Instinctively, Elena closed her eyes and even kissed him back. Finally, when he released her lips, she asked, "Where are we going?"