His Child

Eric walked into Luxumoon without prior notice. He didn't bother calling his mother to let her in on his plans before showing up.

It wasn't every time that Eric visited Luxumoon. In fact, he had nothing to do with it. He was not like his older brother, Mark who worked there. 

As he had no business there, he liked to stay away but today, he brought Mia along with him.

"What do you say?" Eric asked as they stopped at the reception area while stealing glances at the little girl's reaction to such a marvellous interior décor. "Do you like it?"

Immediately, Mia shook her head while meeting his gaze. Shifting her attention back to their surroundings, her gaze darted around. The little girl was impressed with the sight before her. "It's beautiful."

"Good. This is where your Daddy and your grandmother work," Eric revealed before making an entry at the reception desk while ignoring the surprise glances from the receptionist.