Mission in Motion

Fast forward to an hour later…

Elena woke up due to the minty fragrance assaulting her nose even from her sleep. Slowly as her lashes blinked open, she saw Mark's face close to hers.

She squinted for a bit before asking, "What are you doing?"

"Trying an experiment that ended up working," Mark replied with a smile on his lips. He was sitting next to her on the bed while putting on a sleeveless top and a pair of shorts that showed off his strong thighs.

"What experiment?" Elena inquired as she slowly sat up on the bed while he leaned away to give her some space.

She could smell the freshness of the fragrance emitting from him and guessed that he must have come straight from the shower after throwing some clothes on.

"To see if my after-shower scent would be powerful enough to wake you up." Mark's answer was not far-fetched.