First Birthday Together

~Wang Family Residence~

Friday, 20th June, 2022.

In the evening, Elena took Mia to visit the old house after speaking with her mother-in-law on the phone.

The next day was Mia's fifth birthday so, she needed to invite her family members over for it.

"My baby will be turning 5 tomorrow?" Grandmother Wang asked as she beckoned on Mia to come over to her side.

Mia smiled at her and walked over with a package. "Great-grandma, my mummy and I bought something for you," she said immediately.

"Give me a hug first," the old lady said just before bringing her into her arms. A few seconds later, she released her and kissed her forehead before patting the space next to her. "Sit here," she said.

On the other hand, Elena and her mother-in-law, Rachel discussed the birthday party.

"You are throwing the party on the rooftop of your apartment building?" Rachel asked shortly after she put her cup of tea down.