No pride

As soon as Marie finished with the business transaction she had come for, she returned home with the two bodyguards following her.

As the car pulled over in the streets, Marie climbed down and led the way into the compound only to see a familiar face waiting for her.

"Changying?" she mumbled to herself as her steps slowed.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Yang Changying quickly turned around. Surprise contoured her face as her gaze fell on the two men in black walking beside her sister-in-law.

She was truly taken aback to see for herself, the men that had returned with Marie. She was only confirming their presence after hearing about them from other people.

'Seems like Elena had hit it big,' she thought to herself as she rasied her head high.

She was never going to let her sister-in-law's new status and level oppress her for one bit.