Worst Punishment

If Mark had never been lost before, then today would make the first mark. 

Even after the call with his uncle had ended, Mark remained in his study for the longest time before showing up.

He wished he could stay there forever, at least to sort his emotions before showing up in front of his family.

Since Elena was a little sensitive these days, he didn't want her to discover anything amiss with him and then start asking questions. Since he did not have a habit of lying to her, he did not want to start now.

Mark prayed in his heart that Elena would be too preoccupied with their daughter to pay attention to him, but all that was just wishful thinking.

As soon as he walked out of the study after four hours of intense brooding, he heard the sound of the television. He quickly made his way to the living room only to see the mother and daughter curled up on the two-sitter couch, watching a cartoon.