Time to Tell

As Mark had something to do back at the Wang Residence, he returned briefly and also relayed Yang Mingze's reaction.

Grandmother Wang had her misgivings. She felt that it was too early for Chloe to settle down with someone she hasn't known much about his family.

The other day, she tried asking her a few questions and her replies were vague.

The old lady had to quickly let her granddaughter know that although she was getting ready to spend the rest of her life with Yang Mingze, she shouldn't neglect his family.

If her husband's family happened to be a troublesome one, and greatly influenced Yang Mingze, then no matter how much he loved her, he won't be able to keep them away.

There will be a fight once in a while, and he would end up being out in the middle. And this becomes times where he will have to choose one person's opinion above the other.