Divorce Before The Wedding

The frown on Mark's face deepened as he watched the reporters flocking around Chloe and Yang Mingze.

It was not long ago that he managed to send off the last two that approached him for an 'interview'.

There was no need to watch any longer to ascertain the real reason behind Yang Mingze's interest in his unruly and stubborn younger sister.

It was most definitely because she belonged to the Wang family hence, her bad behaviour can be tolerated.

Mark couldn't stay any longer. He didn't even get to finish his glasses before going to find Chloe. The least he could do was inform her of his departure.

He walked up to her where she was chatting with a famous female TV news presenter and tapped her gently on her shoulder blade. As soon as she turned around, he said to her, "I'm leaving."

Immediately, the smile on Chloe's face disappeared. "So soon?" She seemed worried and disappointed at the same time.