Attracting A Wealthy Man

Today, after having her light breakfast of only a glass of smoothie and grapes, she went back into her room.

As she sat down at the foot of her bed reading the wedding magazines she bought, she got a call from Mrs. Yang, her soon-to-be mother-in-law.

It took a while for her to answer the call as she knew the reason the woman might be calling her.

Finally when she answered it, she waited for the woman at the other end to speak first.

As usual, Mrs. Yang greeted her with honeyed lips. "Chloe, how are you doing?"

Unlike before, Chloe would immediately fall into sync with her future mother-in-law's manner of speech, but now, she wasn't in the mood.

"I'm good." Her response was very simple, without any feelings.

Already, as Mrs. Yang had been expecting that kind of reaction from her, she wasn't annoyed instead, her smile became more profound.