Taking Action

"You don't want red wine? This bottle is so sweet, you will like it," Mr. O'Fendi tried to recommend the wine he was drinking with his daughter, but Elena curtly refused him.

"I'm fine with just the orange juice for now," she said as her left hand went to touch her stomach. 

That sign didn't go unnoticed by the father and daughter. 

Celine scoffed and rose from her seat. "I don't think you are serious about your career," she said before walking away. Immediately, Elena lost the small smile on her face.

Mr. O'Fendi released a deep breath. He was really embarrassed as he turned to meet Elena's furious gaze.

"Elena, I don't know how long I will have to keep apologising to you on my daughter's behalf, but please don't mind her. She doesn't know how to act her age as I have spoilt her so much."

Elena would have easily forgiven Celine if it were to be before, but things were different now. She was already fed up with her antics.