Eric's Proposal

A few days after Elena and her little family went to stay with her mother, Mia resumed school. And while all things seemed to be going south for Chloe Wang, her other brother was having a good time.

"Are you dating someone? I can't remember how many times I have asked you that question?" Eric inquired as he swirled his wine glass.

"Mr. Wang, I don't think we came over to meet a client to talk about my personal matters," Caro said as a matter of fact. 

Her facial expression looked as serious as she was dressed in lilac purple pants.

"Caro, I don't remember you being so stubborn when I hired you to work for my company." Eric was surprised that he still had to deal with that side of her attitude. Most times he wondered if she truly respected him or was just being polite with him because he was her boss.

"I am not being stubborn now, either," she said while looking around for the client they were going to meet.