Finally Awake

Blood drained from Mrs. Yang's face when she heard what Rachel just said. 

The other woman's voice wasn't gentle in any way and now, people were starting to stare.

Wasn't she just outrightly telling everyone that there was a problem between the two families and that her son harmed her daughter?

The Yang couple were tongue-tied at that level of embarrassment. It's not like they were expecting to be welcomed with open arms still, this display was a little too much, or so they thought.

Since they didn't have anything to say or where to start, Rachel stepped in to help them out.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she moved her gaze from the man to the woman in disgust.

It took a moment for the Yang couple to recover from their earlier shock and when they did, Mrs. Yang beat his wife to reply.

Knowing how much of a haste she was, he thought that she might forget the right thing to do and decided to speak first.