Reincarnation: When you forgot about something dear to you

(Saul P.O.V.)

Hi! I'm Saul, currently 16. Weird name since I'm a girl. I am die-hard fan of the novel solo leveling. I always had regarded it the best I had read. I am reading a manwha when I suddenly see a silhouete of Sung jin-woo on the character. I was shocked for a second but then it reminded me to read the novel again maybe the manwha as well.

"Haha, time to go back to my personaly favorite novel, huh? Might as well read it incase I forgot anything about it." I mumbled, smiling with nostalgia. It was the very first novel I had read. It was also the novel that opened my passion to reading more novels. If not enough, It was the very first of the manwha/manga/manhua I have ever read!

I went to the novel again, scrolling down, stopping at chapter 200 as it was were I most of the events are hazy, but my mom called me from down stairs. "Saul! Get your lazy a$$ out your room and go buy some milk! We ran out of it."

"Okay. Okay! I'll do it, just stop shouting mom." I said as I open my door and head down stairs. "Bye mom!" I shout as I leave the house. Little did I know it was my final good bye.

And so I went out and did my errand and bought milk from a local store. After I exited the store. I checked my phone If I had data. I had none. I patted and checked the pockets of my short if I have spare money on me. "Damn, I wish I had at least read it on my way back home."

As I was admiring the red spider lily on my phone screen while crossing the street, I heard a honk and I looked at the direction it came from. *Honk* I saw a truck carrying chickens 3 meters infront of me honked and I was shocked.

I couldn't move, my body refused to listen as I feel freezing aura coming from the truck. 'Ah! my legs are stuck they won't listen to me! What's this pressure that's forcing me into an immovable state?!' I thought.

I force my legs to move away from the direction of the truck but as I moved out atleast one more meter off its direction... It swiveled towards my direction and hit me. My pupils shrunk down to the size of a needles eye.

I was shocked. Why was it turning this way? I moved out of the path of the truck so why did it turn? Towards me at that? I grit my teeth and shout "Why?!?!"

I somehow, but didn't know how I had time to do it but I saw the driver mouth form a sadistic smile as he mouthed "Its. my. job." and my eyes glowed with realization. I saw my phone that still had a red spider lily on the brocken screen.


I then got rammed by the truck by the truck as i feel my body cannot move a sign that my body is rekt. 'But I have to live! I still have something I have to remember – huh?' I sweat dropped.

What was that something to me? Is it my parents? Friends? Was it it a gift? A thousand thoughts ran through my brain. Even though I am experiencing exetreme pain, I ignore it. That something was much more important to me.

I slowly die in despair of trying to remember what was so dear to me. It was a precious existance to me. Yet I forgot about it. It was something special. Yet I couldn't remember it.

I lose my consciousness or maybe soul leave my body. My vision was still there. I lift up my hand, my body – no, soul or essence dissipate into particles of light flying where ever it would land. At that momment...


(ROB P.O.V.)

I watch as the poor mortal die with aguish, despair and guilt. It was a pitiful scene even for me. Her expression was like of some one who has lost their most precious loved ones but could not remmember who it was, oh the guilt.

And so, I decided to give the mortal a second chance. A second life where she could enjoy her life more. Somewhere she could be once more joyfull. And i'll give her some gifts too, or what people now a days call 'wishes'.


(Saul POV)

moment... I woke up in the abyssal void. As I said it was an all black space stretching into infinity. I thought about what I forgot. What I lost.

But as I was about to continue that train of thought a being made up of light aproached me. 'It' excluded an warm and holy feeling. I was strangely comforted by it.

"Hello, despaired and guilt filled soul. I am what people call a ROB. I have come to reincarnate you, give you another at life. And also give you gifts to help you in your endeavors."

"Can I ask about what these 'gifts' are?" I was reasonably scared that the being might be angry at me for asking a question that is not meant for anyone to be angry at for no reason. If those gifts are what i think they are, I might have hope.

"Do not worry," I tensed less. Once I did the being continued; "The gifts are basically wish granting." I had some hope. Hope that I would finnaly remember what I didn't. As I was about to ask about my memories to be fully restored the being said.

"Do not waste your wish on that matter I shall grant it free of ask." The being smiled warmly and snapped his fingers. From there, my memories returned. It was about solo leveling. And that that I forgot some parts of it and reread it.

"Thank you! Thank you! – Thank you! – Thank you!! Ahahahahahahahahahaha...*sniff*" I was crying with joy, rivers if possible at this point by now.

"Now, now. Relax my boy. Calm down. Calm down."


(Authors POV)

The omnipotent being became closer to the boy unexpectedly. Perhaps, it is because they had once had suffered throught it and was willing to share the burdens of the girl.
