Chapter 2

Ashley's POV:

My dad looks so confused but not that angry I expected him to be.

"Anne, are you serious right now? I didn't say I'm going to leave you. This kind of stuff is called language stay." I try to explain it to my mom.

Now my dad starts to glance at me like I'm used to. My mom wasn't that good of a secret keeper but she held it longer than I thought.

"And why do you want to do this?" My dad snaps.

"Because I always wanted to be an English teacher like you know but here in Switzerland I don't have many ways unless I was a grammar student. A language stay in an English country could be my last chance to make my dream come true, Baba."

"This girl has lost her mind, Nermin. You better watch out how she behaves!"  My dad is almost screaming at my mom. He stands up and walks angrily through the kitchen into his room and closes loudly his bedroom door.

"Look what you've done, Asli!" Disappointment is in her voice. I look ashamed on the plate in front of me.

"Wash the dishes and clear the table." She frowns at me. She stands up and joins my dad in the bedroom. Actually, I didn't really expect to happen like that. I knew they're going to be angry and mad at me but I probably just hoped they will understand me.

After I washed the dishes and cleared the table I wanted to join my dad in the living room watching tv. I almost pushed down the door handle but when I heard my parents talking about me I stopped and secretly listened.

"This girl is now old enough to get married but she still is dreaming like a school kid!" My dad frowns at my mom.

"I know, Osman but she is too stubborn to listen to us." My mom always tried to engage me with some Turkish guys of my father's friends but I declined every time and said that I'm still too young. Why does my family want to marry me all the time when I'm happy to be single? It feels like they want to get rid of me.

"I won't ask her anymore. Let's engage her before she decides to move to some other country." My dad harshly says. NO! I don't want to get married! And of course not with some guy my dad chooses for me! What am I going to do?

... (to be continued)