Chapter 27

Hudson's POV:

I called Trevor and asked where he's going to take out Ashley. He told me the address and said it's a very good restaurant and he hopes that she will like it too. I guess she would love it. Trevor is such a romantic guy and I used to be jealous but at least most of the girls he wanted, were interested in me. I know that sounds arrogant but I felt bad for him but all those girls weren't who I wanted. I had some girlfriends but nobody is like Ashley. And I don't want to lose her even if it's Trevor who wants her.

I drive 30 minutes before them to this restaurant. I shouldn't be spying on Ashley's probably the first date but I just have to. What if they kiss?

As I think of Trevor kissing Ashley I see them walking in the restaurant. I'm sitting on a table and hiding behind an order card. They sit two tables away from me so I can hear some things they're talking about.

I guess they're talking about Ashley's family because she said something about Samir. Later I recognize they changed the subject into something funny and laugh a lot.

"You're so pretty when you smile." He flirts and moves his hand on hers gently and Ashley flushes. How dare he? I could punch him in the face right now.

As I think of punching Trevor Ashley stands up walks toward the women's bathroom. She almost caught me spying on them but ignores it. I quickly stand up to go to their table and sit on Ashley's seat.

"Hudson, what are you doing here?" Trevor asks curiously.

"I was around and thought I could come here and eat but when I saw you I remembered your date with Ashley. So where is she?" I lie.

"Oh ok well, she's in the bathroom right now." He says a little nervous. I guess he's afraid I'm going to ruin everything. I actually wanted to but now when I see him being this nervous I feel bad.

"Oh, ok then I don't want to disturb you. Have a nice time. But remember what I said about her." I remind him. And he nods and waves nervously. I stand up and see Ashley walking toward the table.

"Hudson?" She says scary. I just wave at her and walk towards the exit. I turn around to look again at her and catch her still staring at me. She looks stunning. But not for me.

Ashley's POV:

"But remember what I said about her." Hudson said to Trevor before he noticed me. What did he say about me? Now I feel nervous but Trevor acts as nothing happened. Or more relieved that Hudson left.

We have a good time together and then it's getting late and he drives me back to Meredith. When we arrive he stops me before I get in.

"I heard you are getting married when you get back." He says. Now I know what Hudson meant.

"It's an arranged marriage." I say.

"Oh so you don't love your fiancee?" He asks curiously.

"We didn't engage already. I wanted some time for me first. And the guy is one of my childhood best friends so I see him as a brother." I say to not sound like a whore who went on this date with him when I already have someone. I won't let Hudson go like this. He embarrassed me.

"Oh, I'm sorry for you. Well, I guess you're not interested..." He says disappointed. And I kiss him on his cheek.

"I'm sorry, but thank you for tonight. I really had fun." I say smiling.

"Goodnight." He smiles back. I wave shyly and walk-in. Meredith runs down the stairs when she hears me at the door.

"How was it?" She asks excitedly.

"Is Hudson here?" I frown.

"Yes, he's in his room. Why?" She asks but I just walk upstairs straight to his room and close harshly the door. Hudson jumps up from his bed and looks frightened.

"Ashley, please let me explain..." He starts knowing exactly why I'm mad.

"How dare you tell Trevor about my arranged marriage?" I snap.

"I-I wanted to warn him. I'm really sorry. I..."

"You're sorry? For what first? Telling him stuff about my life who's not your business or that you even spied on our date?" I almost yell. He's silently looking hurt at me. But I don't care. He messed enough things up to make me freakout. I want to leave his room as he grabs my wrist and turns me around inches away from his face.

"Ashley, I'm really sorry about everything. I regret what I said so bad and I didn't want to spy on you but I was afraid he may kiss you or something." He tells me. I just stare at him but don't know how to feel about this.

"Did he?" He says afraid.

"Like you care if he did." I just frown. He comes even nearer.

"I do care. Did he kiss you or not?" He says serious and afraid.

"No." I don't tell him about my cheek kiss. He breathes lightly out in relief but hides a smile. As I want to move away he holds me tight and immediately presses his lips against mine.

... (to be continued)