The Conflict with Edison

The rivalry between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla intensified when Edison began promoting direct current as the best option for the transmission of electrical power. Tesla, on the other hand, believed that alternating current was superior because it was able to transmit power over long distances with less power loss.

Edison began a campaign to discredit alternating current, calling it dangerous and even lethal. He promoted a series of public experiments in which animals were killed using alternating current, trying to convince the public that this technology was dangerous.

Tesla was outraged by Edison's actions and decided to show that alternating current was a safe and effective technology. He performed public demonstrations in which alternating current was used to light lamps and motors, showing the superiority of the technology.

The rivalry between the two intensified further when Edison refused to pay Tesla for solving a problem that had arisen in one of his projects. Tesla decided to leave Edison's company and found his own company, the Tesla Electric Company.

The rivalry between Edison and Tesla became known as the War of the Currents, and culminated in a public dispute between the two. In 1893, Tesla managed to convince the Chicago World's Fair to use alternating current as its power source, in a public demonstration of his superiority.

Although Tesla won the battle of the War of Currents, Edison remained a prominent figure in the electric power industry. However, the rivalry between the two showed the importance of innovation and competition in the development of new technologies.