The Decline Years

After years of hard work and success, Nikola Tesla's career began to decline in the 1920s. He lost a lot of money in unsuccessful investments and protracted lawsuits, including a legal battle with businessman George Westinghouse.

Tesla's health also began to deteriorate. He suffered a nervous breakdown in 1906, and his health conditions only worsened over time. He also suffered from insomnia and spent many nights working on his inventions, which further aggravated his health.

Tesla spent his last years living in hotels and taking care of himself. He refused financial help from friends and colleagues, and continued working on his projects even as his health worsened.

In 1943, Nikola Tesla passed away in his hotel room in New York City. He was 86 years old and had left behind a life of innovation and discovery. His death was mourned by scientists and inventors from all over the world.

Nikola Tesla's declining years were a difficult time for him, but they were also a testament to his determination and passion for science. Even when facing financial and health problems, he continued to work tirelessly on his inventions and to pursue his dreams until the end of his life.