"There are two more," you whisper. "Further back." Qui curses. "Not only that," you continue, "the ones in the dark have guns, too." You scrutinize the factory where Bouchard had noted the sentries, immediately spotting at least two more humanoid shapes lurking deeper in the shadows, watching the entrance.

"Let's get as close as we can," Qui says. You can tell by the direction of his voice that he's creeping forward. "See what we can learn before heading back. I hate to say it, but that old Leper might have been right. If we charge this place head-on, we'll be slaughtered." It's unusual for Qui to cede ground to Bouchard, but even you would agree that your party no longer has a choice in the matter. Your feet shift soundlessly, covering ground beside Qui until you're within fifty feet of the factory's entrance. The two of you hang back among a pile of rubble, watching and listening; getting much closer would pose significantly more risk due to the brightly lit front door.

You think you recognize the two foremost sentries—Kindred of Clan Gangrel you met in passing over a decade ago. One stalks up to his companion, eyes sweeping the perimeter as he walks, missing you and Qui despite his advanced senses.

"I'm getting tired of Ward treating us like guard dogs," one of the Ferals grunts to the other as he pulls and twists lengths of matted, dun-colored hair. "No Cammies are showing up tonight. He's a paranoid ass."

The other sentry smacks her companion in the chest with a heavy backhand. "Ward's a goddamned visionary, you ignorant shit. They might not be coming tonight, but they'll come eventually. We have to be ready."

"Fine," the original replies with a piercing whine. "But this isn't going to end well. Even you have to agree that the folks he brought aren't the best choice he could have made. Not sure I trust them if they find out who they're really working for."

"Even visionaries sometimes make mistakes," she says with a sigh before both of them lapse into a long silence.

Qui taps your shoulder to get your attention. "I think I've heard enough," he whispers.