

Corliss seems to approve of your silence and continues addressing the Vizier. "Why would the Tremere play their hand so openly? Far more likely, another is manipulating you against them, using knowledge of your clans' sordid histories."

Kashif nods sagely. "It is indeed a possibility. But one which should be investigated. Between this boldness and the growing presence of the Anarchs, I fear that the rumors being passed around Elysium may be true."

Corliss arches an eyebrow, hands on her hips.

"That the Prince has been called by the Beckoning," Kashif continues, undeterred. "Off to the Middle East. By all accounts, the condition is pandemic—elders from all corners of the globe unnaturally pulled to the Holy Lands to fight in the Gehenna War. Word is, our beloved Prince is the latest to be called."

"Wild speculation," Corliss says with a sniff. But she says it too quickly. Both you and Kashif can sense that the circulation of such a rumor interests her greatly. "None saw Arundel leaving the city."

"Other elders in different cities have disappeared without a trace as well," Kashif continues, pushing his luck. "The Beckoning strikes at random, drawing the elder blood home. Perhaps one night it will see all of us drawn to battle. Pray that such a night does not come soon."

"All are aware of the Beckoning," Kashif says. "Speaking of our Prince being called is not to cast aspersions; only the most powerful feel its pull. Such a rumor honors him."

Corliss sighs in an attempt to feign boredom. "Enough. I have heard your petition, Vizier. I will open an investigation into the alleged Tremere threats. Does that satisfy you?"

Kashif nods and drops into a formal bow. "My thanks. I am grateful, Seneschal," he says before righting himself and spinning on his heel to face the exit, his multi-colored robes swirling. He closes the door softly behind him, leaving you alone with your sire.

Corliss waits for several seconds until she is certain that Kashif has left the adjoining room. "These rumors concern me, Mekuztli. Have you grown weary of your paperwork?"

You can't help an involuntary nod. The task is dreadfully dull.

"Very well," she says. "We must begin an investigation into the rumors of Arundel's disappearance. If he was truly Beckoned, it would be best to learn everything we can before the accusations begin."


"Of course, childe. Don't be naive. In the event of a powerful Kindred's mysterious disappearance, blame and suspicion are always certain to follow. In this particular case, I am Ottawa's second in command. If the Prince cannot be found, I will assume control of the domain until such time as he returns. The office of Seneschal is not one to take lightly; Arundel hand-picked me for the position against the will of the court, and such slights are rarely forgotten. I expect many of those same self-serving licks will work against me in the coming nights. They may have begun spinning their schemes already."

You nod in understanding.

"I must ask," Corliss continues. "Have you personally heard rumors about the Prince's disappearance? From whom?"

You've actually heard several mentions of such a rumor, most recently from Corliss's other childe, Lucca, and your retainer Gerard. Telling Corliss this may ingratiate her to you, but you doubt Lucca or Gerard would appreciate your loose tongue.