

Gerard clears his throat uncomfortably. "There's one more thing, I'm afraid. I'm terribly sorry to bother you with this, but a messenger from Sheriff Qui arrived just before you awoke to request an audience."

You nearly curse, knowing that such an audience should not be refused. The request is merely a formality, and the fact that it came first thing in the night hardly bodes well.

"In fact," Gerard continues relentlessly, "the Sheriff himself is now waiting in the foyer. I offered him refreshment, of course, but he refused. Politely, I might add, for what it's worth."

You feel fur brush up against your leg and look down to find Uuntezazk begging for food. An idea occurs to you, and you open up your bond of mental communication with the small rat.

"Hungry!" he says, Black fur bristling. "Cheese?"

You walk over to your desk on the opposite end of the room from Gerard and dig out a small bag of cheese curds from the top drawer. When Uuntezazk sees it, you can almost hear him salivating. "I need you to do me a favor first," you say.

The mental link responds with waves of disappointment followed by affirmation. "You want me to bite old man?" he says, looking over at Gerard and issuing a sharp war-squeak. "He always watches, but never feeds me! The time is right for revenge!"

You shake your head as Gerard watches the small animal warily. You have little doubt that Uuntezazk has attempted the attack before, without your blessing. "I need you to go through your tunnels next to the foyer. Watch the visitors there and report back to me with what you see later on."

"On it!" Uuntezazk squeaks and turns to run off.
