Abdominal aorta

abdominal aorta ; abdomin.belly+al / aor.lift+ta ; aorta.arteryofheart

abdominal artery ; (ab.apart+do.put+min.n+al.a) / artery

abdominal cavity ; (ab.apart+do.put+min.n)belly+al.a / cav.hollow+ity.n

abdominal distention ; (ab.off+do.put+min.n)belly+al.a / dis.apart+tent.tend.stretch+ion.n

abdominal esophagus ; (ab.away+do.put+min)belly+al.a / eso.carry+phag.eat+us.n

abdominal pain ; (ab.off+do.put+min.n)belly+al.a / pain

abdominal pregnancy ; ( abdo.putaway+min)belly+al.a / pre.before+gn.gen.birth+ancy.n

abdominopelvic cavity ; abdomino.belly+pelv+ic.a / cav.hollow+ity.n

abducens nerve ; ab.away+duc.lead+ens.a / nerve

abducent nerve ; ab.away+duc.lead+ent.a / nerve

abduction ; ab.away+duct.lead+ion.n

ablique view ; oblique.slope / view

abortion ; ab.off+ort.comeintobeing+ion.n

above elbow ; AE ; above / elbow

above knee ; AK ; above / knee

abruptio placenta ; ab.off+rupt.break+io.n / plac.flat+enta

abscess of breast ; ( abs.away+cess.go)pus / of / breast.swollen

absorption ; ab.off+sorpt.suck+ion.n

accessory pancreatic duct ; (ac.toward+cess.go+ory.a) / (pan.all+creat.flesh)+ic.a / duct.pipe

accommodation ; ( ac.ad.toward+com.same+mod.proportion)makefit+at+ion.n

acetabulum ; acetum.vinegar+a+bul.place+um.n

achalasia ; a.without+( chala.loose+sia.n)relaxation

achilles tendon ; achilles / tend.stretch+on.n

achlorhydria ; a.without+(chlor.palegreen+hydr.water)+ia.n

acholia ; a.without+chol.bile+ia.n

achondroplasia ; a.without+chondr.cartilage+plas.form+ia.n

achromatopsia ; a.without+chro.color+at+ops.sight+ia

acne ; acne.akme.point

acoustic neuroma ; acou.hear+st+ic.a / neur.nerve+oma.tumor

acquired deafness ; ( ac.toward+quir.seek)+ed / deafness

acquired immune deficiency syndrome ; AIDS ; ( ac.toward+quir.seek)+ed / ( im.not+mun.share)+e / ( de.below+fic.make)lack+i+ency.n / ( syn.same+drom.run)+e

acquired immunity ; ( ac.toward+quir.seek+ed.a) / ( im.not+mun.share+ity.n)

acrocyanosis ; acro.tip+cyan.darkblue+osis.abnormal

acromegaly ; acro.tip+mega.big+l+y.n

acromion ; acr.highest+om.shoulder+ion.n

acrophobia ; acro.extremity+phob.fear+ia.n

actin ; act.ray+in.chemical

actinic dermatitis ; actin.ray+ic.a / dermat.skin+itis.inflammation

active immunity ; act.act+ive.a / ( im.not+mun.share+ity.n)

acute bronchitis ; (acu.sharp+te) / bronch.airway+itis.inflammation

acute gastritis ; (ac.sharp+ute) / gastr.stomach+itis.inflammation

acute lymphatic leukemia ; (acu.sharp+te) / lymph+at+ic.a / leuk.white+em.blood+ia.n

acute myeloid leukemia ; AML ; ac.sharp+ute / myel.marrow+oid.similar / leuk.white+em.blood+ia.n

acute myocardial infarction ; AMI ; ac.sharp+ute / my.muscle+o+cardi.heart+al.a / in.into+farc.stuff+tion.n

acute renal failure ; ARF ; (ac.sharp+ute) / ren.kidney+al.a / fail+ure.n

acute respiratory distress syndrome ; ARDS ; ( acu.sharp+te) / re.again+spir.breathe+at+ory.a / di.apart+str.tight+ess / syn.same+drom.run+e

acute respiratory failure ; ARF ; (acu.sharp+te) / re.again+spir.breathe+at+ory.a / fail+ure.n

acute tubular necrosis ; ( ac.sharp+ute) / tub.tube+ul.little+ar.a / necr.dead+osis.disease