Body cavity

body cavity ; body / cav.hollow+ity.n

body of epididymis ; body / of / epi.upon+( di.two+dy.two+m.n)double.twin.testicle+is

body of pancreas ; body / of / pan.all+creas.flesh

body of sternum ; body / of / sternum

body of stomach ; body / of / (stoma.mouth+ch)

body of tongue ; body / of / tongue

body of uterus ; body / of / uterus.womb

bone conduction ; BC ; bone / ( con.together+duct.lead+ion.n)

bone depression ; bone / (

bone marrow biopsy ; bone / marrow /

bone marrow transplantation ; bone / marrow / trans.across+plant.plant+at+ion.n

bone matrix ; bone / matrix.mother.womb

bone of pelvic girdle ; bone / of / pelv.pelvis+ic.a / ( gird.belt+le)

bone process ; bone / pro.forth+cess.go

bone scan ; bone / scan.scand.climb

bones of shoulder girdle ; bones / of / shoulder / gird.putabelt+le

borborygmus ; borboryg.rumble+mus.n

borderline personality disorder ; border+line / per.through+son.sound+al.a+ity.n / dis.apart+order.order

bowel ; bowel.sausage

Bowerman's capsule ; Bowerman's /

brachial artery ; brach.arm+al.a / artery

brachial plexus ; brach.arm+al.a / ( plex.fold.plaiting+us)

brachial vein ; brachi.arm+al.a / vein

brachialis muscle ; brachi.arm+al.a+is / muscle

brachiocephalic trunk ; (brachi.branch)lung+o+cephal.head+ic.a / trunk

brachiocephalic vein ; brachi.arm+o+cephal.head+ic.a / vein

brachioradialis muscle ; brachi.arm+o+radial+is / muscle

brachytherapy ; brachy.near+therap.heal+y.n

bradycardia ; brady.slow+card.heart+ia.n

bradypnea ; brady.slow+pn.blow.breathe+ea.n

brain scan ; brain / scan.scand.climb

brainstem ; brain+( st.stnad+em)stem

branch of left pulmonary artery ; branch / of / left / pulmon.lung+ary.a / ( arter.windpipe)+y.n

branch of right pulmonary artery ; branch / of / right / pulmon.lung+ary.a / (arter.windpipe)+y.n

breast cancer ; breast.swollen / cancer.crab.cancer

breech presentation ; breech.buttocks / (

Brenner tumor ; Brenner / ( tum.swell+or.n)

broad ligament ; broad / (lig.bind+a+ment.n)

Brodie's abscess ; Brodie's / ( abs.away+cess.go)pus

bromidrosis ; brom.stink+hidr.sweat+osis.disease

bronchiectasis ; bronchi.trachea+ec.out+tas.tend.stretch+is.n

bronchiole ; bronchi.trachea+ol.small+e

bronchiolitis ; (bronchi.trachea+ol.small)+itis.inflammation

bronchoaortic constriction ; bronch.trachea+o+aort+ic.a / con.together+strict.tight+ion.n

bronchography ; bronch.trachea+o+graphy.picture

bronchopneumonia ; bronch.trachea+o+pneumon.lung+ia.n

bronchoscopy ; bronch.trachea+o+scop.observe+y.n

brow presentation ; brow / (

bruxism ; brux.grindtheteeth+ism.n

buccal cavity ; bucca.mouth+al.a / cav.hollow+ity.n

bulb of penis ; bulb.round.ball / of / penis

bulbourethral gland ; bulb.ball+o+( ur.urine+ethr)+al.a / gland

bulimia ; bu.cow+lim.hunger+ia.n

bulla ; bulla.bubble

bundle of His ; bundle.binding / of / His

bunion ; bunion.swelling

bunionectomy ; bunion+( ec.out+tom.cut)+y.n

bursa ; bursa.purse

bursitis ; burs.purse.bursa+itis.inflammation

by mouth (per os) ; p.o.

bypass surgery ; by.side+pass.path / s(chiro.hand)

byssinosis ; byssin.linencloth+osis.abnormalstate