
glucagon ; gluc.sugar+a+gon.produce

glucocorticoid ;

gluteus maximus muscle ; glut.lump.buttock+eus / max.mega.big+im.most+us / muscle

gluteus medius muscle ; glut.lump.buttock+eus / medi.middle+us / muscle

glycosuria ; glyc.sweet+os.full+ur.urine+ia.n

goiter ; goiter.throat

gomphosis ; gomph.peg+osis.n

gonad ; gon.birth.sperm+ad

gonorrhea ; gon.sperm+o+rrhe.flow+a.n

gonorrheal vaginitis ; gon.gen.sperm+o+rrhe.flow+al.a / vagina.+itis.inflammation

gout ; gout.drop

graafian follicle ; graafian / follis.sack+cle.thing

gracilis muscle ; gracilis.slender / muscle

grand mal epilepsy ; grand.big / mal.bad / epi.upon+leps.take+y.n

grandiose delusion ; grandi.great+ose.full /

grandular epithelium ; grandul.smallgland+ar.a /

granulation ; gran.grain+ul.small+at+ion.n

granulocyte ; gran.grain+ul.little+o+cyte.jar.ball.cell

granulocytosis ; granulo.grain+cyt.ball.cell+osis.abnormalstate

Graves' disease ; Graves' /

gravida ; grav.heavy+ida

great cardiac vein ; great.big / cardi.heart+ac.a / vein

great curvature ; great.big / curv.curve+a+ture.n

great saphenous vein ; great.big / saphen.hiding+ous.a / vein

great vestibular ; great.big / (

greater omentum ; greater.big / oment.fat.ointment+um.n

greater pelvis ; great.big+er.more / ( pelv.basin+is)

greater vestibular gland ; great.big+er.more / ( / gland

greater wing of sphenoid ; great.big+er.more / wing / of /

greenstick fractue ; greenstick / fract.break+ure.n

group psychotherapy ; group / psych.mind+o+therap.heal+y.n

group therapy ; group / therap.heal+y.n

growth hormone ; GH ; grow+th.n / horm.urge+one

guttae ; gtt ; guttae.drops

gynecomastia ; gynec.woman+o+mast.breast+ia.n

gyrus ; ( gyr.curve+us)circle