hepatocyte ; hepat.liver+o+cyt.jar.cell+e
hepatoma ; hepat.liver+oma.tumor
hepatomegaly ; hepat.liver+o+mega.big+l+y.n
hepatorrhaphy ; hepat.liver+o+rrhaph.sew+y.n
hernia ; hern.protrudedviscus+ia.n
herniated disk ; hernia.protrudedviscus+at+ed.a / disk
herniated nucleus pulposus ; HNP ; hernia.protrudedviscus+ate+ed.a / nucleus.core / ( pulpa.dust+osus.full)soft
herniorrhaphy ; herni.hernia+o+rrhaph.sew+y.n
herpes genitalis ; herp.creep+es / gen.bear.produce+it+al+is.a
herpes simplex ; herpes.creeping.herpes / ( sim.same+plex.fold)simple
herpes zoster ; herpes.creep / ( zos.gird+ter.n)girdle
Hershsprung's disease ; Hershsprung's / dis.off+ease.easy
hiatal hernia ; hiat.open+al.a / hernia.protrudedviscus
hiccough ; hic.hiccupsound+cough
high forceps delivery ; high / ( for.warm+ceps.take) / ( de.down+liver.liver.free+y.n)
high resolution computed tomography ; HRCT ; high / ( re.again+solut.loosen+ion.n) / com.together+put.reckon+ed.a / tom.cut+o+graphy.picture
hilum of kidney ; hilum.spot.gate / of / kid.belly+ney.nephron
hilum of lung ; hilum.spot / of / lung
hinge joint ; hinge / joint.jung.joint
hirsutism ; hirsut.hairy+ism.n
hoarseness ; hoarse.harshsound+ness.n
Hodgkin lymphoma ; Hodgkin / lymph.cleanwater+oma.tumor
holter monitoring ; mon.warn+it+or.thing+ing.n
homeostasis ; homeo.same+stas.standing.state+is.n
hordeolum ; ( horde.barley+ol.small+um.n)
horizontal fissure ; (hori.boundary+zon.n)+t+al.a / fiss.split+ure.n
horizontal plane ; (hori.boundary+zon.n)+t+al.a / plan.flat+e
horseshoe kidney ; horse+shoe / kid.belly+ney.nephron
human immunodeficiency virus ; HIV ; human / (im.not+mun.share)+o+de.below+fic.make+i+ency.n / virus.venom
humerus ; ( humerus.shoulder)upperarm
humoral immunity ; humor.fluid+al.a / ( im.not+mun.share+ity.n)
Huntington's chorea ; Huntington's / chorea.dance
hyaline cartilage ; hyal.glass+ine.a / cart.twisttogether+il+age.n
hyaline membrane disease ; hyal.glass+ine.a / membr.limb.cover+ane / (dis.off+ease.easy)disease
hydatid mole ; hydat.water+id / mole.spot
hydramnios ; hydr.water+amnios
hydrarthrosis ; hydr.water+arthr.joint+osis.disease
hydrocele ; hydr.water+o+cele.swelling
hydrocephalus ; hydr.water+o+cephal.head+us.n
hydrochloric acid ; (hydr.water+o+chlor.palegreen+ic.a) / (ac.sharp+id)
hydrogen ion concentration ; pH ; hydr.water+o+gen.origin / ion / (con.together+centr.center)+at+ion.n
hydronephrosis ; hydr.water+o+nephr.kidney+osis.abnormalstate
hydrops of gallbladder ; hydr.water+ops / of / gall.bile+bladder.sack
hydrosalpinx ; hydr.water+o+(salpinx.trumpet)
hydrothorax ; hydr.water+o+thorax.breastplate
hydroureter ; hydr.water+o+(ur.urine+eter)
hymen ; hymen.membrane
hyoid bone ; hy.upsilon+oid.like / bone
hyperbaric oxygen therapy ; hyper.over+bar.pressure+ic.a / oxy.sharp+gen.origin / therap.treat+y.n
hyperbilirubinemia ; hyper.over+bili.bile+rub.red+in.protein+em.blood+ia.n
hypercalcemia ; hyper.over+calc.calcium+em.blood+ia.n
hypercapnia ; hyper.over+capn.smoke+ia.n
hyperchlorhydria ; hyper.over+(chlor.palegreen+hydr.water)+ia.n
hypercholesterolemia ; hyper.over+chole.bile+ster.solid+ol+em.blood+ia.n
hyperemesis ; hyper.over+eme.vomit+sis.n
hyperemesis gravidarum ; hyper.over+eme.vomit+sis.n / ( grav.heavy+ida)pregnant+rum
hyperemia ; hyper.over+em.blood+ia.n
hyperesthesia ; hyper.over+esthes.sense+ia.n
hyperextension ; hyper.over+ex.outward+tens.stretch+ion.n
hyperglycemia ; hyper.over+glyc.sweet+em.blood+ia.n
hyperhidrosis ; hyper.over+hidr.sweat+osis.abnormalstate