
nipple ; nip.tip+ple

nocturia ; noct.night+ur.urine+ia.n

node of Ranvier ; ( node.bind.knot) / of / Ranvier

nodule ; nod.knot+ule.small

non-Hodgkin lymphoma ; NHL ; non.not+Hodgkin / lymph+oma.tumor

non-insulin-dependent diabetes ; non.not-( in.inside+sul.sea+in) / ( de.down+pend.hang+ent.a) / dia.through+bet.go+es

non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus ; NIDDM ; non.not+( in.inside+sul.sea+in) / ( de.down+pend.hang+ent.a) / dia.through+bet.go+es / mell.honey+itus

nongonococcal urethritis ; NGU ; non.not+( gon.gen.birth.genital+o+cocc.grain.seed+al.a) / ( ur.urine+ethr)+itis.inflammation

nonunion ; non.not+(

norepinephrine ; nor.normal+epi.upon+nephr.kidney+ine

notch ; notch.smallcut

nothing by mouth ; N.P.O.

nuclear magnetic resonance ; NMR ; ( nuc.nut+le).core+ar.a / magnet+ic.a / re.back+son.sound+ance.n

nuclear medicine ; nuc.nut+lear.a / ( med.cure+ic)doctor+ine

nucleus ; (nuc.nut+leus)core

nucleus of Schwann cell : nucleus.core / of / Schwann / cell

nyctalopia ;

nystagmus ; ny.nod+stagm+us.n