T-wave ; T-wave.sway
T lymphocyte ; T / lymph+o+cyte.cell.ball
tabella, tabellae ; tab ; tabella.tablet
tabes dorsalis ; ( tab.melt+es) / dors.back+al+is.a
tachycardia ; tachy.swift+card.heart+ia.n
tachypnea ; tachy.fast+pn.blow.breathe+ea.n
tactile corpuscle ; tact.tang.touch+ile.able / corpus.body+cle.small
tail of epididymis ; tail / of / epi.upon+( di.two+dy.two+m.n)double.twin.testicle+is
tail of pancreas ; tail / of / pan.all+creas.flesh
talipes ; talus.ankle+i+pes.foot
talipes calcaneus ; talus.ankle+i+pes.foot / calc.calx.heel+ane+us
talipes cavus ; talus.ankle+i+pes.foot / cavus.hollow
talipes equinus ; talus.ankle+i+pes.foot / equ.horse+inus
talipes valgus ; talus.ankle+i+pes.foot / val.volv.roll+gus
talipes varus ; talus.ankle+i+pes.foot / varus.separate.different
talus ; ( talus.touch)
tarsal bone ; tars.flatofthefoot+al.a / bone
tegmental wall ; teg.cover+ment.n+al.a / wall
teletherapy ; tele.faraway+therap.heal+y.n
temporal bone ; ( temp.time+or)temple+al.a / bone
temporal branches ; tempor.temple+al / branch+es
temporal lobe ; ( temp.time+or+al.a)transitory.temple / lobe
temporal muscle ; tempor.temple+al.a / muscle
tendinitis ; ( tend.stretch+in)tendon+itis.inflammation
tendon ; tend.stretch+on.n
tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle ; tend.stretch+on.n / of / flex.bend+or / digit.finger+orum / super.over+fic.make+i+al+is / muscle
tenesmus ; ten.stretch.tight+esmus.n
tenorrhaphy ; ten.tendon+o+rrhaph.sew+y.n
tenosynovitis ; ten.tendon+o+( syn.together+ov.egg)+itis.inflammation
tensor fasciae latae muscle ; tens.tight+or / fasc.bundle.layer+iae / lat.latus.wide+ae / muscle
tensor tympani muscle ; tens.tension+or.thing / tympan.drum+i / muscle
ter in die ; tid ; ter.threetimes / in.in / die.day
teres major muscle ; ter.rub.round+es / major.mega / muscle
teres minor muscle ; ter.rub.round+es / minor.mini / muscle
terminal bronchiole ; termin.boundary.end+al.a / bronchi.airway+ol.little+e
terminal ileitis ; termin.end+al.a / ile.ileum+itis.inflammation
tertiary bronchus ; terti.third+ary.a / bronch.airway+us.n
testicular cancer ; te.thee+st.stand+i+cul.small+ar.a / cancer.crab.cancer
testis ; te.tri.three+st.stand+is
testis cancer ; ( te.thee+st.stand+is) / cancer.crab.cancer
testosterone ; test.testis+o+ster.steroid+one
tetracycline ; tetr.four+cycl.circle+ine
tetraiodothyronine ; T4 ; tetra.four+iodo+thyro.chest+nine.hormone
tetralogy of Fallot ; tetra.four+(log.say+y).science / of / Fallot
tetraparesis ; tetr.four.limbs+a+( para.side+es.let)relax+is.n
tetraplegia ; tetr.four.limbs+a+pleg.strike+ia.n
thalamotomy ; thalam.bed+o+tom.cut+y.n
thalamus ; thalamus.bed
thalassemia ; thalass.sea+em.blood+ia.n
the first heart sound ; S1 ; first / heart / sound
therapeutic abortion ; therapeu.cure.heal+tic.a / ( ab.off+ort.comeintobeing+ion.n)
thick asending limb ; thick / ad.toward+scend.climb+ing.a / limb
thick descending limb ; thick / de.downward+scend.climb+ing.a / limb
thin ascending limb ; thin / ad.toward+scend.climb+ing.a / limb
thin descending limb ; thin / de.downward+scend.climb+ing.a / limb
third-degree burn ; third / de.down+gree.grade / burn
third ventricle ; third / ( ventr.belly+i+cle.small)chamber
thoracentesis ; thorac.chest+cente.prick+sis.n
thoracic aorta ; thorac.chest+ic.a / aorta
thoracic cage ; thorac.chest+ic.a / cage
thoracic cavity ; thorac.chest+ic.a / cav.hollow+ity.n
thoracic duct ; thorac.chest+ic.a / duct.pipe
thoracic esophagus ; thorac.chest+ic.a / eso.carry+phag.eat+us.n
thoracic nerve ; thorac.chest+ic.a / nerve
thoracic vertebra ; thorac.chest+ic.a / ( vert.turn+e+bra.tool)backbone
thoracodynia ; thorac.chest+(odyn.greif)pain+ia.n
thoracotomy ; thorac.chest+o+tom.cut+y.n
thorax ; thorax.breastplate
threatened abortion ; ( threaten+ed) / ( ab.off+ort.comeintobeing+ion.n)
thrombectomy ; thromb.bloodclot+ec.out+tom.cut+y.n
thromboangiitis obliterans ; thromb.bloodclot+o+angi.vessel+itis.inflammation / (ob.stop+liter.letter).erase+ans.a
thrombocytopenia ; thromb.bloodclot+o+cyt.cell+o+pen.lack+ia.n
thrombocytopenic purpura ; thromb.bloodclot+o+cyt.cell+o+pen.lack+ic.a / purpura.purple
thrombocytosis ; thromb.bloodclot+o+cyt.cell+osis.abnormalstate
thrombolysis ; thromb.clot+o+lys.loose+is.n
thrombophlebitis ; thromb.bloodclot+o+phleb.vein+itis.inflammation
thrombosis ; thromb.bloodclot+osis.abnormalstate
thrombus ; thrombus.bloodclot