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Chapter 1: Abandoned

Ethan stood at the gates of the orphanage, feeling disorientated and alone. He had just been dropped off by his parents and was struggling to come to terms with what had happened. They had always been abusive, but Ethan thought that they looked after him out of obligation. He had never expected them to give up on him like this.

The orphanage was a huge, I'm posing building made of dark bricks. The windows looked like beady eyes, watching his every move. It sent shivers down his spine, but he knew he had no choice. This was his new home.

As he walked in, he was confronted with a busy group of people. There were other children screaming and crying, making him feel even more overwhelmed. He looked around for someone to talk to, but no one seemed interested in him. Finally, a woman with kind eyes approached him.

"Hello, sweetie, my name is Miss Adams. Are you new here?" she asked, smiling.

Ethan nodded, still unsure of what to say.

"Well, you're in good hands now. We'll take care of you here," she reassured him.

Ethan didn't know how to respond. He had never experienced kindness like this before. He could feel tears start to form in his eyes as he realized the only people he had ever known had abandoned him.

"Come on, I'll show you around," Miss Adams said, taking him by the hand.

As they walked through the halls, Ethan felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all. But as they walked past the other children, he couldn't help but feel like an outsider. He had already been separated from the only family he had ever known, and now he had to start all over again.

When they reached his room, Ethan was relieved to find that he had his own bed. It wasn't much, but it was better than the one he had at home. As Miss Adams showed him where to put his things, he started to relax a little. Maybe this was his chance to start over and make a better life for himself.

But as the day turned into night, Ethan found it hard to sleep. He missed the familiar smells and sounds of home. He missed his parents, even though they had hurt him. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was completely alone in the world.

As he lay in bed, Ethan wondered if he would ever be able to find a place where he truly belonged. A place where he felt loved and accepted. He hoped that the orphanage might be that place, but he knew deep down that it would take time. A lot of time.

With a heavy heart, Ethan finally fell asleep, the sound of the other orphans still echoing in his mind.