Forty Chapters: Testing

The thought came quickly, and it left quickly too.

To complement the world in such a mysterious manner was too far-fetched.

With insufficient evidence, everything deduced from mere conjecture could only serve as a reference, not to be taken seriously.

To verify, one must proceed step by step.

Now, Xu Yuan could confirm only one thing, that Mr. Qin, regardless of the power he belonged to, was most likely targeting him, the Third Young Master.

The female lead who should have appeared at the Xiao Xiang Pavilion was inexplicably brought to the Zuixian Pavilion by him. To call it coincidence would be too convenient.

Holding back his thoughts, Xu Yuan looked at the Moon Lady once more and said with a gentle smile,

"Since Mr. Qin personally chose the top-ranking Oiran, this young master naturally cannot miss the opportunity."

The smile on the Moon Lady's face faltered.