Chapter 372: Characteristics

Compared to the bone-deep agony of the previous two times, the process of Sea of Consciousness absorption was marked more by an unending dizziness and nausea.

Pain could affect one's consciousness, but the sensation of pain could also make one alert, allowing Xu Yuan to maintain enough control to manipulate and guide the Origin Qi within his body.

However, the dizziness and nausea kept Xu Yuan's state of consciousness blurred, causing him to be distracted with little carelessness.

Difficulty in maintaining focus was an extremely bad piece of news.

Everything within a cultivator's body is of the utmost precision, incapable of tolerating even the slightest deviation, let alone the dangerous act of absorbing another's will-spirit within the Sea of Consciousness.

But aside from this bad news, there was also good news.

This time, the will-spirit's secret technique would operate on its own.

What he needed to do was actually only two things.