Chapter 127: Keeping Promises, Good Moral Character

Ed Koch, the congenial old-timer of the Democratic Party, serving his third term as the mayor of New York, received more vile greetings in one week than in all his previous decades combined. Following the systematized route to freedom proposed by Tommy, residents of New York discovered a harsh truth—their city was devoid of freedom.

In New York, not only were homosexuals barred from entertainment venues, but when the New York Giants won the Super Bowl, they couldn't hold a victory parade in the city either. Mayor Ed Koch vetoed the team's request for a traditional victory parade in New York without giving a reason, simply exercising the administrative power granted to him by the citizens of New York.

Now, journalists had unearthed the reason he denied the parade: the mayor was somewhat neurasthenic at the time and didn't want the city to be kept up all night by a bunch of drunken fans causing a racket.