In the city filled with gunpowder and flames, Fisher leaned against the wall, gasping for breath, as the glow from his hand-staff dimmed once again; then, the magic emblem-overlaying the hand-staff slowly disappeared, one ring at a time.
He was almost out of magic to use, having prepared over a hundred types of magic emblems for this journey, almost completely filling the entire hand-staff, and now nearly depleted in the battle with Philone.
The other's fuel was the souls of those children and squeezing out a child's soul could burst forth a great deal of energy; now, behind Philone were five canisters, while he himself had only a few emblems left on his magic wand to keep it from being damaged—the "Reinforcement" magic.
Moreover, his own body had been grazed by many wounds from Philone's Death Light; his lower abdomen and chest were oozing blood, constantly sending forth waves of pain, but the adrenaline produced by the battle made the pain seem less severe.