55. Battlefield Situation

Mr. Fisher looked down at the manual's inscribed name for a long while, besides learning the author's "code name" of the Demi-human Girls Completion Manual, that was all there was.

The only thing he could be sure of now was that there was more than one Completion Manual and the person who created them was definitely not from this world; he might later find more information in Caleb's Soul Completion Manual, but this required Mr. Fisher to possess strong soul energy. After all, other people could not see these manuals, and it wouldn't be possible to ask Renie for help.

The words Philone left for Mr. Fisher before his death were also very interesting. As he was dying, he handed over the manual; back then, Mr. Fisher was not the owner of the Soul Completion Manual, yet he saw the manual itself and was also cautioned not to tear them up, or else they would be reborn in another place.