Chapter 6

The Vampire Diaries

Season 3: Episode 5

The Reckoning

The room was stuck in a silence because of the abrupt ending of the last scene. It was finally broken when everyone heard a sigh from the Originals side of the room. Elijah was the one the noise came from and he spoke after a couple seconds. "I'm not even surprised." Åse let out a light scoff before saying, "We've known each other for over 1,000 years, Elijah, it's well established that my anger is the worst. Nothing should surprise you anymore." Not wanting to be on the end of said anger Elijah merely nods his head in agreement. With silence reigning once again the screen turns back on.

Stefan can be seen laying on the floor of what looks like the truck the Originals coffins have been stored in. The camera pans over to a pair of black heeled boots. Moving upwards there is black leather pants, a long black belt, a half-and-half black and white off the shoulder sweater, and finally the face of Åse Mikealson with a pair of black sunglasses resting on top of her head.

She has a blank look on her face as she watches Stefan's temporarily dead body. A few feet in front of her Rebekah speaks up. "Did you really have to break his neck the whole way here?" Without looking at the blonde she just says a quick "Yes." Frustrated that their wasn't an explanation Rebekah pushes and asks, "Why?" Unconsciously Åse's eyes flash red as her head snaps up in Rebekah's direction. In a harsh tone she says, "I told him what I'd be doing, Rebekah. You were there. You got just as much of a warning as he did. As for why? Mostly because I felt like it, but also because it allowed me time to think in silence without his constant questioning." Now satisfied, and slightly scared, Rebekah nods her head in acknowledgment.

A few more minutes pass by before suddenly Stefan is gasping awake. Looking over at the noise Åse crouches down at eye level to look at Stefan. Tilting her head with a slight smirk on her lips she teasingly says, "Took a bit longer this time. I was starting to worry." Stefan didn't respond but he did glance at her hands warily. Noticing his gaze Åse said, "Oh you don't have to worry about me snapping your neck anymore." She motioned to the back door of the truck where Klaus had been standing this whole time. Light flooded in as Klaus opened the door. He turned back to the younger vampire to say, "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan."


It was nighttime now as the scene changed showing several dark hallways in Mystic Falls High School. Matt Donovan can be seen walking through the school towards a classroom that has noise coming from it. It was dark inside so he opened the door to check out what was happening. The teenager only took two steps before he jumped and turned the light on out of fright because he had triggered dozens of mouse traps to go off.

Now that the light was on other teenagers could be seen in the room. Caroline was the first to vocally make herself known. "Come on! Seriously? Do you know how long it took for us all to set this up?" Tyler Lockwood spoke up asking, "Forgot about Senior Prank Night, huh?" Looking at his surroundings Matt just says, "Clearly." Exasperatedly, Caroline says, "How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since freshman year." From her place sitting on one of the desks Elena speaks up. "Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this."

From her spot in between Elijah and Kol Rebekah speaks up. With a roll of her eyes she says, "Way to make it about yourself."

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this." Tyler throws his hands in the air like Matt had just added to the argument that he didn't want to be a part of. Bonnie pipes up from her spot beside Elena. "Caroline's making us." Caroline takes a breath before going into what looks like will be a speech. "We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with is forever, and if we don't—" "if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?" Elena had cut Caroline off to finish the blondes clearly recited speech. Caroline just brushes it off though and says, "Go ahead and make fun. I don't care." Tyler dismiss them all when he walks by with a duffel bag saying, "You're all lame. And I've got 10 more classrooms to prank." Elena gets up off the desk she was sitting on and is about to walk out of the classroom when Bonnie asks, "Hey. Where are you going?" "To superglue Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories."

Elena leaves the hallway that her friends were in through a set of double doors. As soon as the door is shut and Elena has turned right she almost bumps into someone's chest. Klaus is standing there with a blank look on his face as he says, "There she is." Elena is stuck in her spot as she gasps out a scared, "Klaus." The Original lets a smirk work its way onto his lips as Elena tries to run away. He simply speeds in front of her as starts talking. "You're supposed to be dead. What are we gonna do about that?"


The scene changes again to the truck Stefan woke up in. The younger vampire is sitting with Rebekah on the edge of the truck with their feet dangling. Breaking the comfortable silence they were in Stefan asks, "How long do you think it'll take for Klaus to give the signal?" Rebekah smiles slightly before she says, "Depends on how dramatic he's planning to be, but you'll know it when it happens. Trust me." "Why's Åse not here?" With a light laugh she says, "Oh, Stefan. Åse and Nik never do anything without the other. She'll be inside the school already hiding in the shadows just waiting to strike." Stefan looked slightly surprised but nodded in acceptance.

Back inside the school Klaus has a tight grip on Elena's right bicep as he drags her down a hallway. "You've put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, is that it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing." Under his breath so Elena didn't hear he mumbled, "I'm in for a long night either way, but I hope I'm right."

Åse had to suppress the girlish giggle that had almost come out. With a smirk she turned to Klaus and did not speak quietly as she said, "You keep making these bets thinking that you'll win, love. When in reality I've won every time." The other Originals looked confused for a few seconds before they all cringed with slight disgust on their faces. This reaction made Klaus and Åse laugh quietly before Klaus spoke. In a whisper in Åse's ear he said, "I love seeing how many beds we can break. What can I say?" Åse's only response was a deep kiss to Klaus' lips before she turned back to the screen.

Obviously not hearing what Klaus said Elena spoke. "If you're gonna kill me, just do it." "Not until I know I'm right." Keeping his grip on Elena's arm Klaus turned his back to another set of doors and harshly pulled the doppelgänger with him as he went through. "But I do have ways of making you suffer."

Bursting through the gym doors, Klaus take a few steps before speaking in his awful American accent. "Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank Night is over. Head on home." As everyone was clearing out Klaus spots two familiar faces. Dropping the accent he says, "You two. I remember you." A girl and boy turn around when they hear a voice. "Sorry. Who are you?" "Oh, don't worry. I wasn't in my right head last we met." Immediately after speaking Klaus is compelling the two teenagers. "Lift your foot up please, Dana." The girl complies and Klaus moves onto the boy. "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?" Elena instantly tries to protest. "Don't, Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody." "Oh, come on. Of course I do."

Åse could be seen nodding her head at her husbands statement. Speaking up she said, "It's the only way you people listen. Honestly, if we tried to be civil I wonder how long it would take for you all to fuck it up and cause someone to lose their life." She put her pointer finger on her chin like she was thinking before turning to the Mystic Falls side of the room. Looking directly at Elena she said, "Like you did to your precious Aunt Jenna." Before anyone could protest the screen started playing again.

Somewhere else in the school Caroline was drizzling honey on a doorknob. Tyler comes up behind her and takes ahold of her hips as he starts to slowly pepper her with kisses. The blonde turns slightly and asks her boyfriend, "Do you think Matt's gonna be okay?" Tyler pulls away and says, "I'm kissing you and you're wondering about your ex-boyfriend?" Caroline turns around at this and rolls her eyes a little before saying, "I'm asking you if you think our friend who we both love, is okay." Giving in, Tyler seems to try and give an answer. "I think he probably doesn't have a lot of people to talk to anymore. I think he's struggling more than he let's on. I think that I love how big your heart is." The vampire and werewolf take a second to just breath. Caroline then speaks up with furrowed brows. "I just want this school year to be great, you know? I just want everyone to be happy, even in the midst of all the crazy, unhappy bits." Tyler makes sure he is looking into Caroline's eyes as he says, "I'm happy." Then the two teenagers start making out against a wall before being interrupted by a British accented voice.

"You two are adorable." Walking down the hallway towards them was another Original vampire, Rebekah, but they didn't know that. Caroline speaks up first. "Uh, do we know you?" Rebekah blatantly ignores her questions as she says, "You're Caroline, Elena's friend, which makes you Tyler, the werewolf." Caroline moves to stand in front of Tyler. "And who are you?" Rebekah smiles and says, "I'm the new girl." At vampire speed she moves in to attack Caroline before the screen blacks out for a few seconds.

Now back in the gym Dana is seen struggling to stay standing on one foot. Klaus just adds a simple "Keep it up." Standing a couple feet away Elena asks, "Where's Stefan? What'd you do to him?" Klaus bites his lip to not laugh in the face of the doppelgänger. "Stefan's on a time-out." The same door that Klaus and Elena came through to get into the gym opens once again. This time Bonnie and Matt are seen walking through. Urgently, Elena starts yelling. "Bonnie, get out of here!" With no time to react Klaus speeds behind Bonnie. The witch whips her head around as Klaus starts talking. "I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started." The hybrid looks over to the two compelled teenagers. "Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight." Quickly becoming more serious he stares directly at Bonnie. "I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive." Defiantly Bonnie says, "That's right. If you wanna blame someone, blame me." "There's no need for blame. Just your witchy interference, seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm gonna have you find the fix."

From another door Rebekah came walking in with Tyler held tightly in her grip. "Get off of me." "Hush now." Gesturing towards the two Klaus says, "I'd like you all to meet my sister. Rebekah. A word of warning, she can be quite mean." Rebekah squints in her brothers direction as she says, "Don't be an ass. I'm not the worst and you know it." While Klaus doesn't acknowledge his sisters statement he does smirk just the tiniest bit.

The blonde Original then pushes Tyler into her brothers hold. Trying to seem brave Elena grits out, "Leave him alone." Klaus completely ignores her and starts dragging the werewolf away from the group of friends. "I'm gonna make this very simple. Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." Pausing for a second Klaus bites into his left wrist. He then forces it into Tylers mouth so the werewolf will have to drink his blood. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake, you'd better hurry." As soon as he was finished Klaus harshly broke Tyler's neck and let him fall to the floor.

As much as the Mystic Falls residents shouldn't be shocked at this display they are. Tyler was obviously the most stunned. He had just watched himself be killed. In an attempt to be reassuring Elena turned slightly and tried to whisper to everyone on that side of the room. "This won't happen. We'll find a way to change it." While Damon, Alaric, and a hesitant Bonnie nodded the rest of the group seemed questionable. Stefan, Caroline, and Jeremy all exchanged glances of reluctance and came up with a silent agreement to talk later.

The scene changes to the truck with Stefan. The vampire in question is simply laying on the edge of the truck on his phone to curb his boredom. He sighs before pocketing his phone and sitting up. Drumming his fingers on the edge of the truck Stefan lets out another sigh before hopping down. Stefan paces the back of the truck several times before he hears his phone notifications go off. With a raised eyebrow he pulls his phone out and sees a text from Klaus.

Klaus: Your turn

Nodding to himself Stefan puts his phone away once again and starts to walk towards the school.

A few minutes seemed to have passed as Matt, Bonnie, and Elena are gathered around Tyler's dead body. Matt looks up from his spot by Tyler's head. "He killed him." Pacing, Elena says, "He's not dead. Klaus' blood will turn him into a vampire." From his place on the bleachers Klaus jumps up and joins the conversation. "And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on. Go fetch your grimoires and enchantments and whatnot. I'll hold on to Elena for safekeeping." Bonnie and Matt leave quickly enough leaving Elena alone with two Original vampires.

Rebekah comes up behind Elena's left shoulder and starts talking scaring the doppelgänger. "So this is the latest doppelgänger. The original one was much prettier." While Klaus was only a couple feet away the girls didn't notice when his eyes flashed red for a mere second.

The same distorted voice over that they had all heard before started playing again as the scene kept going.

Åse: I'd say that the original was just as much of a manipulative bitch as the rest, but to each their own. They also all have the same face. There can't be one that's prettier than the others. Maybe more bland, but that's not the point.

Klaus can be seen suppressing a smile at his wife's words.

Klaus: And you know I agree with you wholeheartedly, love.

Åse: Of course you do. You know when I came up with this plan it didn't feel like it would last this long. I'm getting tired of hiding.

Klaus: It's not much longer. Then you can finally make your entrance.

Åse: Indeed. See you then, my love.

Once Klaus tuned back into his sister and Elena he just said, "Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf-boy elsewhere, would you?" Rebekah merely takes one of Tyler's arms and starts dragging him away. As Klaus grabs one of Elena's arms to make sure she doesn't try and run he says, "Just ignore her. Petty little thing."

Elena can now be seen trying to comfort Dana along with Chad. All heads turn to the gym doors when they hear them open. Walking inside is a hesitant looking Stefan. Elena immediately stands up. With a worried look on her face she says, "Stefan." The younger vampire ignores her and instead talks to the hybrid. "Klaus." From his seated position on the bleachers Klaus merely asks, "Come to save your damsel, mate?" "I came to ask for your forgiveness and pledge my loyalty." There was a shred of admiration that only Stefan could see because it was in Klaus' eyes. Playing his part Klaus kept talking. "Well, you broke that pledge once already." Not even having to improvise his next words Stefan spits out, "Elena means nothing to me anymore. And whatever you ask of me, I will do." Klaus stands up as he says, "Fair enough." He starts walking closer to where the humans in the room are. "Let's drink on it." Pointing at Dana and Chad Klaus simply says, "Kill them." Stefan, knowing he had to play a part, didn't move at first. "What are you waiting for? Kill them." Elena, standing a little too close to Klaus, speaks up. "No. Stefan's don't. He's not gonna hurt me. He already said—" Cutting her off Klaus lets out a shrill whistle that has everyone covering their ears.

There is a sudden sound of whooshing air from the ceiling that everyone looks up at in confusion. Then, in the center of the gym where the spotlight happens to be, a figure jumps down. They harshly land on the floor sending cracks throughout. Looking up through their hair all anyone can see is a set of glowing red eyes. Speeding over the figure grabs Elena in a chokehold before speaking in a deadly tone that the whole room hears. "Pleasure seeing you again, doppelgänger. If I were you I'd shut my mouth right about now."

Kol clapped to himself before turning around in his seat. "Your entrances are always the best, Se-Se." Åse shook her head at the nickname but said a quiet thank you to her favorite brother-in-law nonetheless.

Elena's eyes were comically wide as she whispered out, "Gravedigger." With a deadly smirk Åse said, "Bingo." Still having his part to play Stefan sped over with an angry face. Klaus turned his way and caught the younger vampire by the throat. "She means nothing to you? Your lies just keep piling up." Genuinely struggling Stefan spared a glance at Åse as he said, "Let her go. I'll do whatever you want. You have my word." Still holding Elena Åse spoke up. "Your word doesn't mean much." Klaus picked up where she left off. "We lived by your word all summer, during which time we never had to resort to this." Without missing a beat Klaus makes it look like he is compelling Stefan. "Stop fighting." Desperately Stefan begs, "Don't do this. Don't do this." "I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm gonna have to take it." "Don't. Don't." "You will do exactly as myself and Gravedigger say, when we say it, and you will not run. You will not hide. You will simply just obey." Klaus then lets go of Stefan. The younger vampire seems to release his tense muscles before Åse speaks. With her grip still tight around Elena's head she says, "Now, kill them, Ripper." Klaus extends his arm in the humans direction and that's all it takes for Stefan to "obey" the command.

Elena is now sitting on the floor watching as Stefan finishes off the two humans. Klaus crouches down behind her and says, "It's always nice to see a vampire in their true element. The species has become such a broody lot." Defiantly, Elena says, "No. You did this to him." "I invited him to the party. He's the one dancing on the table." The doors to the gym open yet again as Rebekah comes storming in. "Where is it? Where's my necklace?" Åse stands next to Elena with tight grip on her shoulder as the siblings talk. "What are you talking about?" "She has my necklace. Look." Klaus takes the phone Rebekah was holding and sees the evidence. "Well, well. More lies." Furiously Rebekah grits out. "Where is it?" Looking between the three vampires near her Elena just says, "I don't have it anymore." "You're lying." Rebekah then tries to charge at Elena and bite her. Surprisingly, Åse stops Rebekah and pushes her away sending her flying into a table. Not bothering to even look the blondes way Åse turns to Klaus. "Unfortunately, the doppelgänger is telling the truth. Apparently Katerina stole it." Klaus briefly closes his eyes at the news.

Turning so he can address the whole room Klaus speaks loudly and says, "Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace... it'd make things a whole lot easier for your witch. Since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?" After hitting a few buttons to make the scoreboard work, Klaus talks loud enough so the whole room hears, except he is entirely focused on Stefan. "Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then I want you to feed again. Only this time I want you to feed on Elena." Åse stands behind the younger vampire and whispers in his ear, "You know you want to." As Rebekah, Klaus, and Åse were moving to leave the gym Elena says, "Klaus. Don't do this to him." Not turning around Klaus just says, "No one leaves." Finishing the threat Åse starts to walk backwards and say, "If she tries to run, fracture her spine."


To show that time has passed the scoreboard now said six minutes and 15 seconds and was still counting down. Stefan was "anxiously" pacing as Elena watched him. Suddenly she turned to Stefan and said, "Caroline's dad. Stefan, he was able to resist compulsion. I don't know how, but he did. Maybe it's possible—" Stefan lets out an irritated laugh before saying, "Yeah. Maybe it's just mind control right? Maybe it just takes some focus, couple of decades of training. No big deal." He turns his back and takes several steps away. What Elena doesn't see is the smirk Stefan is wearing along with the vicious glint in his eyes. "Stefan, you can control this. When that buzzer goes off, just drink from me." Gnashing his teeth like an animal Stefan yells as he says, "You don't get it. I can't stop, Elena. I'm a ripper. A ripper doesn't stop. I listen to the words that come out of your mouth and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body. And when that clock ticks down I'm going to have to feed on you. And you wanna know what's worse? I'm not gonna be able to stop."

Not being able to hold it in Kol yells, "Yes! Scream at the doppelgänger! She deserves it!" As if he just realized what Stefan was saying on screen he keeps yelling, "Drain her fucking dry!" The other Originals let out light laughs at the second youngest.

Åse has a slightly impressed look on her face as she says, "Your acting is quite good, Stefan. I'm sure future me was impressed." Stefan didn't really know how to react to the compliment so he just gave a shy nod in response.

"I don't believe that. You can fight it. You just have to want it bad enough." Stefan turns to the side and pinches the bridge of his nose as he mumbles under his breath, "You have no idea how much I don't want it."

Åse and Kol have turned so that they're looking at each other. "Do you know what this means, Kol?" "I think I do, dearest Åse." At the same time they both raised their arms and said, "He has broken free of the doppelgänger curse!" Klaus just shakes his head with a smile on his face at his wife's behavior with his little brother.

With an incredulous expression Stefan looks at Elena and asks, "Why, because I love you?" "That's right, Stefan. Because you love me. You'll fight because after everything we've been through, you owe me that."

This time someone on the Mystic Falls side was the one to perk up. Caroline says, "Stefan isn't the one to owe you anything. The only reason we get into any of these messes is because of you being the doppelgänger. Just because Stefan is a vampire doesn't automatically make him the one to blame." Elena looked betrayed that someone that was supposed to be on her side didn't agree with her. Before anyone could fight the screen kept playing.

It took every bit of control that Stefan had to not charge forward and prematurely rip out Elena's throat. Instead he said, "You know what, you're right. You're right. I owe you everything. Because through all of this, you are the one thing that has kept me from giving up, from turning it all off. But I can't help what I am, Elena. The more blood I get, the more I want. And if I get so much as near yours... you are dead."

Kol was practically bouncing in his seat at the idea of death being shown on the screen. Rebekah looked to be happy at the prospect of the doppelgänger dying. Åse had grabbed hold of Klaus' hand and started speaking through their mind link. "I would very much like to agree with Kol and Rebekah about the doppelgänger dying. However, and I'm sure my future self would agree, I'm pretty sure at this point that the doppelgänger is supposed to be alive." With furrowed brows Klaus responds. "What do you mean, love?" "I mean that for your hybrids to work I'm pretty sure that the doppelgänger is supposed to be alive. Obviously I don't know much about why, but I'm sure we're going to figure it out within the next few minutes." Klaus nodded his head with a slightly confused look on his face.


Bonnie and Matt are seen walking out of the school pool both soaking wet. The witch speaks slightly out of breath, "As soon as your feeling better, I'm gonna kill you." Stepping in front of her Matt says, "But it worked. I saw her, I saw Vicki." "You did?" "She said she had a message for you." "For me?" "From the witch that put the hybrid curse on Klaus. She said that Elena shouldn't have survived Klaus' ritual. The hybrids can't transition because Elena's still alive."

Slamming her hands on her armrests Åse says, "That bitch!" Her reaction startled pretty much the whole room. The only exceptions being Klaus and Kol. Rebekah turned to look at her very angry sister-in-law. "What are you so upset for. They just gave you the answer to all your problems. You even get to kill the doppelgänger." With her eyes now glowing red Åse turns to look at the blonde Original. "You don't get it Rebekah. You don't understand how much your mother hated Nik. She would do anything to keep him from making his hybrids. Including lying about how the doppelgänger needed to die because in truth it's her blood that is needed to complete the transition." The room was left in a stunned silence.

Now looking scared Bonnie says, "Tyler." Matt just asks, "He's gonna die, isn't he?" From a dozen or so feet down the hall Klaus stands there leaning on a doorway. "I wouldn't be too sure about that. Given the choice, doppelgänger or hybrid, I go hybrid every time."


There were around 15 seconds left on the scoreboard and Stefan has somehow worked up a sweat to make things look more real. "Elena, you're gonna have to run." "Klaus said if I run—" "I know what he said, but if you stay it won't matter." The clock continues to tick down and Stefan resorts to begging. "Elena, please, please, please." Another few seconds tick away. "Elena. There's no other way." "There is another way, Stefan. It's for you to fight." The scoreboard lets out a blaring buzzer sound indicating time is up. Still not running Elena says, "Stefan, I love you. Fight, Stefan. Don't give up." Stefan is on the ground, on all fours, looking like he is struggling to even breath. "I can't hold it." At last he gets up. However, instead of attacking Elena, Stefan speeds forward and grabs onto the metal railing of the bleachers. "Elena, run! Go!" The ripper keeps up his act until Elena is out of the gym doors. When she is out of sight he lets all of the tension fall from his body and just starts walking in the direction the doppelgänger ran off in.

To make it seems like he was still struggling Stefan banged on lockers as he passed by. Once he was around the corner of the hallway Elena was in he put his facade back on and started gripping and slamming into lockers as he ran. Elena made it through a set of doors, but when she turned around Klaus was already there. "We've gotta stop meeting like this."

Stefan had taken a detour when he saw Klaus had Elena. He made his way to the cafeteria and to make it all seem a bit more real he proceeded to take a broom, snap it in half, and stab himself with it. During this Klaus and Elena had come through the doors. With a harsh grip on Elena's left arm Klaus drug her forward as he started talking. "Now, this fascinating. I've never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl." Klaus let a knowing smirk sit on his lips as he saw the look in Stefan's eyes.

Before he could continue he felt a familiar presence enter the room. Turning to his gaze to look behind Stefan he asked, "What do you think he should do, Gravedigger?" With a purely sadistic smirk Åse walked up behind Stefan and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Why don't you turn it off?" The younger vampire quickly growled out a "No." Klaus rolls his eyes as he steps away from Elena. The hybrid takes a seat on a table and says, "Come on. Your humanity is killing you." Åse keeps his point going. "All the guilt must be exhausting. Turn it off." Again Stefan growls out a "No." Klaus gets up and starts walking closer to Stefan. "You're strong, but you're not that strong." He pulls the wood from Stefan's abdomen and looks him right in the eye as if to compel him. Slowly, he says, "Turn it off." For the third time Stefan says "No." This time was different though because he screamed it and pushed Klaus back several feet. In retaliation Klaus speeds Stefan into a wall, holds him there, and screams louder, "Turn it off!" Stefan lets his body relax as he finally comes back to his normal personality.

Elena, obviously not recognizing the new Stefan, whispers, "What did you do?" From behind her Åse says, "He fixed him." Klaus started to make his way over to the girls as he asked, "But I think a test is in order, don't you?" Understanding what her husband was thinking Åse continued. She stood behind Elena and set her hands on her shoulders as she said, "Ripper. Perhaps you'd like a drink from the doppelgängers neck." To make it even more enticing she let out her fangs and quickly sunk them into the left side of Elena's neck. The girls scream alerted Stefan and instantly he was rushing in her direction.


Caroline is seen rubbing Tyler's back as Klaus and Åse walk into the classroom the vampire, werewolf, and Rebekah are sitting in. As he walks in Klaus says, "The verdict's in. The Original Witch says the doppelgänger should be dead." Rebekah happily stands up and asks, "Does that mean we can kill her?" Åse glares in her direction and says, "No. I'm fairly certain it means the opposite." The blonde looks questioningly between the two older Originals as she grabs and holds Caroline. Klaus just brushes her look off as he says, "Call it a hunch." Leaning on the table that Tyler was hunched over Klaus holds out a plastic vile. "Elena's blood. Drink it." From her place struggling against Rebekah, Caroline speaks up. "No. No, no, no, Tyler, don't." Åse just looks over at Caroline blankly before saying, "If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway. Consider this an experiment." Confused at the new face Caroline just had to ask, "Who the hell are you?" The older female Original laughs quietly to herself before taking a few steps forward. Whispering in Carolines face she lets her eyes glow red as she says, "I'm your worst nightmare, but for now you can call me Gravedigger. Have your friends fill you in." Stepping back she lets Klaus continue with Tyler.

The werewolf in transition looks hesitantly at the vile of blood. Klaus meets his eyes and says, "It's okay." With seemingly no other choice Tyler takes the blood. As soon as he drinks it he starts to have a reaction. Caroline tries to fight off Rebekah's hold as she sees Tyler convulsing on the floor. Klaus and Åse crouch down and watch as Tyler looks back at them with the fangs and veins under the eyes of a vampire and the amber eyes of a werewolf. Taking a happy glance at each other before looking back at the first transitioned hybrid Klaus says, "Well, that's a good sign."

Åse sighs to herself catching the attention of her husband. In a whisper he asks, "What's wrong, love?" She gives him a small smile then says, "Nothing too much, Nik. I'm glad we found out how to make hybrids. Just slightly upset that the doppelgänger has to live. It will make getting her blood harder because of the people stupidly defending her." Klaus nods his head seeing her point. "I'm sure we can figure a way around that. If you don't do that in the future already."

The next scene shows a hospital and Elena in a bed getting her blood taken. In the parking lot Rebekah, Klaus, and Åse are all standing around talking and waiting. Rebekah is the first one heard when she says, "So the doppelgänger isn't the problem, her blood is the solution." Klaus looks up at his sister since she's sitting on the hood of a car. "Seems so." Looking at Åse, Rebekah asks, "How did you know?" Leaning into Klaus's side she says, "The Original Witch hated Nik with a passion. Do you honestly think that we would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?" She turns away with Klaus and takes a few steps before Rebekah speaks up. "A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you." Klaus turns to respond. "It makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her fail-safe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead—" Rebekah finishes his thought. "Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species." Klaus pulled Åse under his arm before he said, "Leaving me practically alone for all time." His wife just silently grabbed his hand that rested over her right shoulder in comfort.

Looking confused but slightly accusing Rebekah says, "Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids. You just don't want to be alone?" Åse saw the unshed tears that Klaus was holding back so she moved her left arm so that it was settled around her husbands waist. Pulling himself together Klaus said, "What I want is to take my wife, take my doppelgänger, take my hybrid, and get the hell out of this one-pony town." Seeing that Klaus needed a second Åse turns to Rebekah and asks, "Why don't you get the truck? We'll get the girl." As the two Originals watched Rebekah leave they felt another presence come up behind them. They both turned around and Klaus spoke for the both of them. "Well, look who finally decided to show up to the party." Damon isn't playful at all when he asks, "Where is she?" "Elena? She's making a donation to a greater cause." Damon tries to keep walking to get into the hospital but Klaus steps in his way. "Can't let you interfere, mate." "Then you'll have to kill me." "Oh I would love to, but I made a pledge to your brother and unlike him, I keep my word. Although, thinking about it now, he probably doesn't care that much anymore." With that Klaus speeds Damon into the hood of a car. Åse follows after just so she can be closer to the action. Klaus had Damon held down by his neck on the hood of a car when Damon desperately chokes out, "Don't you want to know about your friend Mikael?"

Åse immediately pushes Klaus out of the way and thrusts a hand into Damon's chest. With her eyes glowing a brought red she venomously asks him, "What do you know about Mikael?" Gasping for breath Damon says, "Just that he knows you're here." From her side Klaus speaks up. "You're bluffing." Damon shifts his gaze between the two Originals. "Katherine and I found him. Consider it our leverage." Åse rips her hand out of Damons chest. Then she proceeds to let out a guttural scream as she takes a bite out of the younger vampires neck, breaks his neck, then throws him into the side of a car. As soon as he was on the ground Åse and Klaus were in the wind.

And the screen went black.