Chapter 8

As soon as the screen went black all of the Originals turned so that they were facing Klaus.

Rebekah, with tears threatening to fall, gritted out, "Is it true? Did you kill our mother?" Klaus saw his family waiting for his response and gulped as he squeezed Åse's hand tightly out of anxiousness. Making eye contact with each of his family members his voice was hoarse as said one word: "Yes."

Instantly Rebekah let her vampire face take over as she jumped up from her seat. She wasted no time in trying to speed her way up towards her older brother. However, the blonde was almost instantly slammed into the wall by a force of red, tendril-like magic.

Åse had stood from her seat and kept her right hand outstretched as she magically held Rebekah to the wall. Rebekah thrashed against her restraints and screamed incoherently for several seconds before saying, "Let me go, Åse!" Out of anger Åse reverted back to their mother tongue as she yelled, "Ég mun ekki! Þú færð ekki að meiða hann án þess að vita alla söguna!" (I will not! You do not get to hurt him without knowing the full story!)

Rebekah's eyes were wild and filled with tears as she replied, "Mér er alveg sama hvað hann hefur að segja! Hann drap móður mína! Hann á skilið að borga!" (I don't care what he has to say! He killed my mother! He deserves to pay!) Åse pushed just a little bit harder with her magic so that Rebekah was looking her right in the eye as she spoke. With gritted teeth she said, "Móðir þín var áhorfandi að ævi misnotkunar! Já, það var mest lagt á Niklaus, en þú getur ekki neitað því hvað restin af þér og systkinum þínum þjáðust." (Your mother was a bystander to a lifetime of abuse! Yes, it was most heavily inflicted on Niklaus, but you cannot deny what the rest of you and your siblings suffered.)

She pointed at each of them as she said, "Finn var snyrtilegur frá því að hann fæddist til að vera hlýðinn sonur sem alltaf var til staðar til að hjálpa, sama málefnið. Elía var gerður til að vera sá sem metur alla í kringum sig á undan sjálfum sér að óheilbrigðu marki." (Finn was groomed from the moment he was born to be the obedient son that would always be there to help no matter the issue. Elijah was made to be the one who values everyone around him before himself to an unhealthy degree.)

Åse took a deep breath to calm herself before speaking of her favorite Mikaelsons. "Kol fæddist með töfragáfu, nema hann hafði engan til að kenna honum. Móðir þín, nornin, vanrækti töfrason sinn að því marki að hann varð að koma til mín til að læra að stjórna völdum sínum. Þó að ég sé þakklátur fyrir að hafa fengið að eyða tímanum með honum, þá hefði það ekki þurft að koma að því." (Kol was born with the gift of magic, except he had no one to teach him. Your mother, the witch, neglected her warlock son to the point that he had to come to me to learn how to control his powers. While I am grateful I was able to spend the time with him, it shouldn't have had to come to that.)

The brunette took another, shakier, breath as she gestured to Klaus. "Og Niklaus, ljúfur, saklaus, mannlegur, Niklaus. Hann varð fyrir misnotkun á andlegu og líkamlegu eðli næstum á hverjum degi. Samt gerði mamma þín ekkert fyrir hann! Hún stóð til baka og horfði á þegar Mikael öskraði, öskraði, barði og lét hann jafnvel blæða. Hugleysi hennar olli Niklausi mannslífi ótta, kvíða og ofsóknarbrjálæðis." (And Niklaus, sweet, innocent, human, Niklaus. He suffered abuse of the mental and physical nature nearly every day. Yet your mother did nothing for him! She stood back and watched as Mikael yelled, screamed, beat, and even made him bleed. Her indiscretion caused Niklaus a human life of fear, anxiety, and paranoia.)

All of the male Originals bowed their heads as Åse took a few seconds to breathe. Everything she said was true. They realized that now. They were all in stuck in their own thoughts as Åse moved closer to Rebekah.

Åse loosened her magic on the blonde Original when she saw that Rebekah had significantly calmed down. Now standing, Rebekah watched as Åse slowly walked forward. With a softer expression Åse said, "Jafnvel þú varst ekki öruggur frá klóm hennar, Rebekka." (Even you weren't safe from her clutches, Rebekah.) The blonde instantly shook her head in denial. She wrapped her arms around her torso as if to protect herself from Åse's oncoming words. "Með fjórum eldri bræðrum varstu svo örvæntingarfull eftir ást móður þinnar að þú hunsaðir það sem var beint fyrir framan þig." (With four older brothers, you were so desperate for your mother's love that you ignored what was right in front of you.)

At those words Rebekah finally broke. With her back against the wall, she slid down to the floor as tears flowed down her face and sobs racked her body. Åse, even though she isn't the best at comforting people, sighed as she moved forward and brought Rebekah into a gentle hug.

The Mystic Falls residents had no idea what they just witnessed. Whatever it was, it felt wrong to be there as it played out.

After a few minutes, Rebekah's cries had been reduced to sniffles. Åse backed off and stood so that she could help Rebekah stand as well. No words were spoken, but a mutual understanding was shared between the women as they made eye contact.

Quietly sitting in her seat between Klaus and Kol, Åse took one of their hands each in order to give them some form of comfort after her harsh words. She heard them let out long sighs of relief, and out of the corner of her eye she noticed that they relaxed just slightly as well.

The screen was just about to come on when there was a sudden flash of light that had everyone in the room covering their eyes. As the light subsided, they all heard a groan of discomfort. Looking to the floor at the front of the room everyone was extremely shocked to see a very much alive Damon Salvatore.

Åse and Kol both loudly groaned before saying, "You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" Damon's head snapped up at the sound of Åse's voice. He visibly gulped in fear but said nothing.

As Damon moved back to his seat without a word, the residents of Mystic Falls were creeped out at his lack of reaction. Usually, he would have some sarcastic quip at the very least, but now he was absolutely silent.

When everyone was turned back to the screen, it turned back on.

The Vampire Diaries

Season 3: Episode 9


This first thing everyone sees is Stefan sitting in a chair in the Salvatore house with a phone to his ear waiting for the person on the other line to answer.

The perspective changes to a forest as the backs of Åse and Klaus are seen. Klaus holds his phone between them and just before pressing the answer button shares a smirk with his wife as she says, "It's show time." Klaus answers Stefan's call, putting it on speaker phone, and says, "Portland is fantastic, once you get over the whiney music and healthy-looking people. It's literally a breeding ground for werewolves."

Stefan is seen staring blankly ahead as he blatantly ignores Klaus's words saying, "You father's dead." Klaus was already informed about Mikael's whereabouts, but that didn't mean he was any less anxious as he replied, "What did you say to me?" Stefan kept up his emotionless Ripper act as he replied, "Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father, and not dead. Mikael. Daggered." The vampire looked to his right and low and behold was Mikael laying daggered on the floor.

Åse and Klaus both had clenched fists at the sight of the vampire hunter.

Klaus and Åse could be seen standing in silence, acting as if they were shocked, with the phone still held between them. Stefan could be heard asking, "What do you want me to do with the body?" Klaus heaved a breath before saying, "Well, first, I want you to explain to me exactly what happened."

The screen briefly went dark before brightening.

Åse and Klaus had raised eyebrows as they stared at the phone. The female Original silently mouthed, "Doppelgänger daggered Mikael?" Klaus lightly shrugged before taking on an angrier tone and responding to his friend. "I wanna see him. I want to see his rotting body. For myself."

Stefan left his spot in the chair revealing Damon and Elena also in the room with him. He says, "Well, he's here. Come by whenever." Playing her part, Åse gently takes the phone from Klaus as she speaks in a dangerous tone, "If you're lying to us, Stefan, your compulsion will expose you. So answer with your life. Is what you're saying the truth?" "It's true. I saw it with my own eyes."

Klaus steps closer so that he has an arm wrapped around Åse's waist as he speaks towards the phone. "I want to talk to Rebekah."

Stefan's hand that held the phone barely clenching was the only sign of unease from the younger vampire. He knew Rebekah had just found out about Klaus killing their mother. He also knew that she was in on the plan to kill her older brother. It was the only thing he hadn't readily reported back to his friend.

Turning around he said, "That's not a problem. She's right here." Rebekah stepped forward and took the phone. Putting it to her ear she said, "Hello, Nik. Åse."

Klaus made eye contact with his wife, and they had a silent conversation that had Åse nodding as Nik spoke to his sister. Åse listened intently to every word the blonde Original spoke.

"Rebekah, love. What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run-in with a dagger?" "It's true. He's finally out of our lives for good." There were a few seconds of silence before the blonde said, "I miss you. I'm miserable here." "I'll be home soon." "Good. I'll see you then, brother." And the phone call was finally over.

Åse knew that Rebekah had just had the news of her mother's death revealed to her, but she had no qualms as her next words flew from her mouth like daggers. "So much for 'Always and Forever'. One inconvenience and you join the enemy to kill your brother. Pathetic. At least Elijah thought his entire family was dead."

It was obvious that the words sliced through Rebekah as everyone was able to see her flinch. The blonde gave no response, but she did lower her head in shame. From her right Åse saw Kol biting his inner cheek to hide his amusement. She gently hit his forearm to get his attention. When he looked at her, he only saw a shaking head and barely-there amusement.

The scene changed to Rebekah standing in front of the mirror in Stefan's room. She had been looking over herself after putting on her homecoming dress when Elena stops in the doorway.

"Getting a head start, huh?" Rebekah turns slightly to look the doppelgänger in the eye as she said, "Embarrassing truth: this is my first high-school dance." Elena has shock written on her features. "Ever?" "I never really had time for high school before. Nik, Åse, and I were always moving around. Running." She takes a breath before changing the subject. "Anyway, I didn't want to leave anything to chance." Rebekah smooths her hands over her dress as she hesitantly asks, "Have you heard any more from him?"

Elena sighs and responds, "No, but I'm sure that when he does return, he'll do it with flair." Apparently, the doppelgänger was completely disregarding Åse even existed.

Rebekah stayed turned to the mirror as she asked, "And Damon and my father are all set with their plan?" "Yes." The blonde steps away from the mirror saying, "Don't tell me. I don't want to know. I just want to go to the dance and leave the rest to Mikael."

Åse could barely hold back her growl of anger as she listened to on-screen Rebekah. If she couldn't listen to it now, she can only imagine what her on-screen is going to do.

Elena finally moves into the room as she says, "I know it's really hard. So thank you for helping us get Klaus back into town." Rebekah brings her gaze back up from where it was focused on the floor as she looks into Elena's eyes. "Just be careful. I've been running for a thousand years for a reason. Mikael is not a good person. And he definitely can't be trusted. No one in my family can."

Every Original had stoic features as Rebekah spoke on screen. None of them giving any indication as to what they were really thinking.

Åse had a hand set on Klaus and Kol's forearms as she reached out to them through her mind. "I do not care what she said. I will always trust you. Both of you." Klaus gently intertwined her left hand with his right and kissed the back of her hand in appreciation. Kol held back his beaming smile as he grabbed her right hand with his left and gave a happy squeeze.

Elena had slowly moved closer as Rebekah spoke. Now only a foot in front of the Original she could see the tears in her eyes. "Are you okay?" "I've spent my whole life loving and hating my brother with equal measure. I never thought that I'd be the one to help drive a stake through his heart."

The only reason Åse didn't leap from her seat and tackle the blonde so that she could rip into her throat was because of the two hands she was holding. They were the only anchors keeping her calm.

Rebekah sniffed and blinked away her tears as she turned back around to walked over to the mirror. "No tears. I don't want to ruin my makeup. How do I look?" Elena walked up behind her saying, "You look amazing. But you're missing one thing." Rebekah turned around in confusion only to see Elena holding her mother's necklace. "You should wear it tonight."

Facing the mirror once more Rebekah allowed the doppelgänger to put the necklace on for her. Once it was on, Rebekah said a tearful, "Thank you." Elena nodded as she set a hand on the Originals upper left bicep. Then, out of nowhere, the doppelgänger stabbed Rebekah in the back with a dagger. As Rebekah quickly desiccated, she said, "I'm so sorry. I can't leave anything to chance either."

Rebekah had gasped in betrayal, anger, and shock as she watched herself get daggered. Her head whipped over to the Mystic Falls side of the room as she stared at the doppelgänger in pure rage.

Åse may be angry at what future Rebekah was planning, but only two people were allowed to dagger the Originals. Herself, and Klaus. Out of anger she didn't even think as she sent a ball of her red magic at the doppelgängers head.

No one would have been able to stop the magic if they wanted to based on sheer speed, but most of them were coming to their senses and seeing the doppelgängers faults come to light.

Elena had instantly dropped to the floor. Unfortunately, Åse didn't kill her. That would have only made those that still liked the girl, for what reason she had no idea, freak out and make a scene. She didn't want to deal with that.

Turning her gaze back to the screen, Åse saw Kol's legs bouncing in excitement. She smiled slightly at his childishness. He always got so excited to see her magic in action. She thought it was adorable.

The scene abruptly shifted to the Lockwood house. Apparently, the high school gym had flooded, so Tyler let the dance be moved to his house. There were way more people than there would have been at school, alcohol, games, games with alcohol, and there was even a live band playing in the backyard.

Stefan walked down a set of stairs and was watching the band when Tyler almost passed by him. The werewolf had a box of beer in his arms as he said, "Hey, Stefan. What's up?" "Hey, Tyler. Nice party you got going on here." "Thanks, but I'm not the one throwing it. I'm just doing what Klaus wants." Stefan was actually surprised by this. Yes, he had informed the two married Originals Mikael and the plan to try and kill Klaus, but he didn't think they'd get to Mystic Falls that fast. Hiding his surprise and keeping up his act he asks, "What do you mean?" Just before he walks off Tyler says, "It's not a party, man. It's a wake."

The band had stopped playing and spotlights shown brighter on the stage as Stefan heard "Good evening, everyone." from Klaus over a microphone. Facing the stage, the vampire saw none other than Klaus and Åse Mikaelson. Klaus was wearing a simple black suit and tie. Åse was more daring. She wore a short, tight black dress with no sleeves and exposed her breasts. Making it classier she had added a diamond choker, a longer diamond necklace that rested against her sternum, a light bracelet on her right wrist, and a watch on her left wrist. She also worse black heels with silver bottoms and tiny diamonds encrusting the stiletto heel.

Klaus had his right arm wrapped around his wife's waist as he kept talking. "I wanna thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It's been a long time coming."

The screen cut to black for a few seconds before coming back on.

Klaus and Åse were not walking through the crowd with Stefan. The younger vampire seemed more at ease as he spoke. "Quite the homecoming." The Originals shared a smirk before Klaus said, "I've been planning my father's funeral for 1,000 years. Granted in no version of it were any of these people invited, but you get the idea." Stefan had a let out a light chuckle at the hybrid's words. "So, what now? You stop running?"

They had all stopped walking and now Klaus and Åse faced Stefan as Klaus replied, "Now, we reunite our family." Intrigued, Stefan asks, "Your family? You mean the ones in the caskets?" Åse took a step forward, making Stefan shift his attention. With a smirk, a cold look in her eyes, and a stern, bordering on angry tone, she said, "They were always more protected inside the caskets rather than outside." She lowered her voice to a whisper as her expression shifted to something more deadly. "And when Mikael is truly gone, we will be able to reunite with them. Forever."

The Originals, bar Klaus and Åse, were shocked at Åse's words. They didn't want to believe it. Especially Finn. But when Kol turned and saw the same seriousness on Åse's face as her on-screen self he nearly squealed like a teenage girl. Unable to help himself, he threw himself into Åse's side and crushed her in a hug. The brunette had a miniscule smile on her face as she returned the action wholeheartedly.

Stefan gulped before nodding at the female's words.

A few girls passed by their small group, one of them being the homecoming queen. The Originals noticed this and brought it up to Stefan.

"Seems the homecoming queen still walks among the living... which leads me to believe Rebekah isn't here. Where is she?" Stefan was genuinely confused as he looked around the party. "I have no idea. She was going to come with Matt." At this piece of information Åse tilted her head in confusion. Making piercing eye contact with Stefan she could tell he was holding something back. Cutting her husband's next words off she sternly said, "Tell us whatever you're holding back, or I will force it out of you."

Klaus looked between his wife and friend in confusion. When he noticed a slight fidget from Stefan his eyes hardened. "Tell us." Stefan winced at the harshness, but he held himself together well enough. His eyes bounced between the Originals in front of him as he said, "I told you everything. About Mikael, the plan to kill you, and how the group here was involved in it. What I didn't say, was that after Elena told your sister about Klaus killing their mother she was beyond angry. She heard about the plan to kill Klaus and jumped at the opportunity. She knew about the whole thing."

Again, Åse nearly jumped from her seat.

Stefan watched as the Originals in front of him stood extremely tensed and deadly silent. He looked down at their joint hands and saw that their knuckles were white with how hard they were squeezing each other.

Klaus was the first to breathe through his anger. He looked to Stefan as he said, "That doesn't explain where Rebekah is." The younger vampire was quick to defend himself. "I actually have no idea what happened to her. I've been kept partly out of the loop because of my supposed "lack of humanity."

Åse leveled Stefan with a blank stare. She breathed out a deep sigh before stoically saying, "Thank you, Stefan, for your honesty. We appreciate that." She let go of Klaus's hand as she moved to stand face-to-face with the younger Salvatore. In a deadly whisper she said, "But if you ever, withhold important information like that again, you'll wish you were dead."

All Stefan could do as Åse and Klaus walked away with matching smirks was gulp in fear. He may be Klaus's friend, and Åse's acquaintance, but that doesn't mean he wasn't deathly afraid of them at times.

The screen went black again for a few seconds before coming back on.

Klaus and Åse were now inside the Lockwood house. They were standing at the table designated for beer pong, Klaus seemed to be playing as Åse watched from his side.

A newly turned hybrid, Mindy, walked over just before Klaus picked up a ping pong ball. "You have a visitor." "Well, tell my visitor I'm on the brink of victory here." "He said his name is Mikael." Instantly Klaus's mood darkened and Åse's demeanor turned cold. "Then I mustn't keep him waiting. Move everyone out back. I'm gonna have a little chat with my dad."

Before leaving the table, both Originals picked up a glass of alcohol and threw the contents back in one go. Åse then stepped forward and held Klaus's face in her hands. Whispering she said, "I know you won't like it, but I'm going to stay hidden in the shadows. I will not allow anything to happen to you." Klaus absolutely wanted to protest by the look in his eyes. Instead of saying anything though the hybrid briefly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he reopened his eyes Klaus swiftly brought Åse into a deep, passionate kiss. Pulling away after a couple seconds he rested his forehead on hers. In a tentative whisper meant only for her ears he said, "Ég elska þig, Åse. Þú ert sólin mín, tunglið og stjörnurnar. Þú ert ástæðan fyrir því að ég lifi. Ég hef barist, drepið og sigrað bara til að sjá bros á vör. Og ég myndi gera þetta allt aftur ef þú spyrð. Þú, Åse Mikaelson, ert það besta sem hefur komið fyrir mig." (I love you, Åse. You are my sun, moon, and stars. You are my reason for living. I have I have fought, killed, and conquered just to see a smile on your face. And I would do it all over again if you asked. You, Åse Mikaelson, are the best thing that has ever happened to me.)

The room was silent due to Klaus's sudden confession.

Åse had instantly moved to straddle her husband's lap after hearing his words. With her face pressed into the place where his shoulder and neck met Åse placed a gentle kiss on his pulse point before mumbling, "I love you too, Nik, so much, but you are not dying. I will not allow you to die. If you died this world would not survive my wrath, and I wouldn't feel an ounce of guilt." Klaus wrapped his arms around his wife's waist without a word. There was nothing he could say that his on-screen self hadn't already made perfectly clear.

No one wanted to interrupt the couple's heartfelt moment. So, they just quietly turned back to the screen.

Åse couldn't help but let out a watery chuckle as she closed her eyes. "Niklaus Mikaelson, I know I did not just hear you speak like you're going to die." The brunette Original opened her eyes and looked directly into Klaus's as she sternly said, "You are not dying on me. Not now, not ever." Klaus pulled away only enough to look into Åse's eyes. The two Originals looked into each other's eyes for only a couple more seconds before Klaus kissed Åse's forehead, gave her one last look of longing, and then turned around so he could make his way to the front door.

Now standing at the front door, Klaus had a stoic expression as he was met with Mikael.

"Hello, Niklaus." "Hello, Mikael. Won't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot, you can't." Mikael doesn't waver as he responds, "Or you can come outside if you want." Klaus is quick to retort. "Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb."

This prompts a dozen or so hybrids to walk into frame behind Mikael.

However, the hunter isn't afraid. "They can't kill me." "True, but it'd make a hell of a party game." Klaus has a smirk as he raises his right hand and says, "All I have to do is rub these two fingers together, and they'll pounce." Mikael actually looks like he's going to laugh before he says, "The big bad wolf. You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward." The older man scoffed as he took a glance behind Klaus and then said, "Where's your abomination of a wife? Did she finally realize that you're just a cowardly boy that hides behind a mask of rage and violence?" Klaus's jaw clenched impossibly tight. If he wasn't a vampire, it would've been broken. Afraid of what he might say, the hybrid chose to stay silent. Noticing this, Mikael changes the subject. "Oh, and you forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me."

Mindy, the hybrid from earlier, then steps out to stand at Mikael's left side.

What's more shocking though, is when Elena is tossed into Mikael's hold. The hunter nods towards Elena and says, "Come out and face me, Niklaus, or she dies." Klaus, truly not caring, responds, "Go ahead. Kill her." Begging, Elena says, "No. Klaus. He'll do it."

Åse rolls her eyes at this. It's pathetic that anyone truly believed that Mikael was holding Elena.

Mikael keeps his eyes on Klaus as he speaks. "If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations." Klaus feels a push in the back of his mind just as he was going to speak. Knowing it was his wife, he lets her magic in.

In Klaus's mind:

Åse: Go along with his plan.

Klaus: Why?

Åse: Just trust me.

Looking right back at Mikael, Klaus replies, "I don't need them. I just need to be rid of you." "To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with only your abomination of a wife at your side? Nobody cares about you anymore, boy! Who do you have other than those whose loyalty you've forced? No one. No one."

Klaus can be seen tearing up at Mikael's harsh words. But no tears have been shed.

With gritted teeth and hands clenched so hard they were white, Klaus said, "I'm calling your bluff, Father. Kill her." "Come outside and face me, you little coward, and I won't have to."

There was one lone tear that escaped Klaus's right eye as he spoke. "My whole life, you've underestimated me. If you kill her, you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on, kill her. Come on, old man. Kill her. Kill her!"

The Originals, bar Åse all seemed shocked at Klaus's display of emotion. Some more than others, but still, they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Mikael has the audacity to chuckle after Klaus's outburst. "Your impulse, Niklaus. It had, and will forever be, the one thing that keeps you from truly being great."

Without wasting any time, Mikael then uses a dagger and stabs Elena. Klaus is rightfully shocked as he watches the doppelgänger fall to the ground.

Elena and her dwindling number of defenders all gasp as they watch her get stabbed.

As Mikael laughs at Klaus's reaction, the man himself hears a noise behind him. Due to being distracted by Mikael, Klaus turned around a second too late and was met with a white oak stake to the stomach from none other than Damon Salvatore. This causes all of the hybrids outside to take several steps forward.

Klaus, screaming in pain, is then flipped onto his back.

At the same time, "Elena" pops up from her spot on the ground. Mikael turns around mumbling, "Katherine." The older doppelgänger has a smirk as she pulls out two wolfsbane grenades, turns to face the hybrids, and then throws the grenades so that the hybrids can't move forward to save Klaus.

Just as Damon takes the white oak stake out to make the final strike, he is blow off by red magic. Surprisingly, to Damon at least, he is also tackled by Stefan.

This commotion catches Mikael's attention as he turns back around.

From behind Mikael, Åse yells out, "Nik, the stake!" Klaus looks down to his side and sees the white oak stake lying on the floor. He snatches it off the floor in an instant. With absolutely no hesitation Klaus charges out the front door, tackles Mikael, and uses the white oak stake to stab him directly in the heart.

Åse walks out of the shadows and over to Klaus as they watch Mikael's body go up in flames. She sees the tears on his face but doesn't mention them. Not being able to help herself, Åse uses her magic to behead the burning corpse as an extra measure. Since she was leaning into Klaus's side, she felt him chuckling at her actions which made her let out a small smile.

The Originals were all in shock. Their father was dead. Well and truly gone due to the white oak embedded in his heart.

From beside them, Klaus and Åse could practically feel Kol vibrating in excitement. Turning to look at his face they saw the second youngest of their family with a wide smirk/smile and bouncing legs.

Rebekah, and surprisingly Elijah, had slumped in their seats out of relief. They could finally live without the fear of looking over their shoulder because of their potential death.

Finn had an expression of indifference written on his features. He didn't really know what to feel. Yes, he knew their father wasn't a great person, far from it really, but he didn't experience the same thing his siblings did. He doesn't know the fear of being tracked down to be killed like they do.

Åse looked at Klaus with a smile. They didn't speak, but their genuine smiles and tight grips on each other was enough.

Back inside the Lockwood house Damon growled out, "What the hell did you do?" Klaus and Åse walked in and waited a few seconds as they observed the situation. Speaking for them both Klaus said, "He's earned his freedom." This prompted Stefan to let Damon go and stand up.

Stefan stood so that he and Klaus were looking into each other's eyes. Åse squeezed her husband's hand in encouragement, only knowing he needed it due to the events of the night. Pretending to reverse Stefan's compulsion, Klaus says, "Thank you, my friend. You no longer have to do as we say. You're free."

And the screen went black.