Supreme Lord III

Kaleb was probably the most troublesome friend and family member. Taking care of him may not be necessary, but Kaleb Zenovia was still hopelessly in love with Tiara. If it had only been a crush, everything would have been fine, but Kaleb's love for Tiara was more than a mere crush. He was deeply in love with Tiara, enough to overcome hundreds of rejections.

At this point neither Michael nor Alice could tell how often Tiara had rejected Kaleb. 

Alice sighed deeply, seeing the pictures of her brother and her parents, "I thought Mother would punch some sense into his mind, but it looks like his stubbornness has grown exponentially. Not even Mother can handle this brat anymore."

"Well, he is in love," Michael responded and shrugged when Alice glared at him. It's not his fault to fall in love with Tiara, and it's not Tiara's fault that she cannot accept him."