A soft personality ——2

Extra ten chapters coming thanks to ——nalaDenniss_3871! 


" Eh?" Mo Qiang who was on the verge of fainting paused and then raised a finger as she turned to look at the half-panic-stricken and half-confused-looking Yin Fu who was still holding her face and then asked in a polite voice, " Something flew past us, can…can you let go of my face, I want to see who flew by. Thank you."

"It's mother-in-law," Yin Fu who felt like he had never seen how pretty Mo Qiang was did not wish to let go of her face which was why he answered her question instead causing Mo Qiang to frown as she said, "Mother-in-law? If she is your mother-in-law doesn't it mean that it is my ….Mother?!!"

Yin Fu nodded with a troubled look on his face and Mo Qiang who was stunned and then surprised immediately jumped up. Damn did that Madam Lian attack Mo Yan when she was not paying attention? That treacherous woman!