Not finished yet(2)

Her words caused the cheering crowd which was filled with delight and triumph, to pause. 

Chen Meilin who was also happy with the turn of events turned to look at Mo Qiang. She hesitated before asking, "What do you mean by that Miss Qiang? Isn't it the end? That beast was the cause of all the terror in this dimension. Now that it's gone, everything will be fine." 

"You are way too naive if you think it's going to be alright," Mo Qiang sneered. She turned to look at the mouth of the cave and saw Dai Lihua. Even though it had been two weeks the woman was still looking for her brother. 

What she did not know was ——

"That Ruby Head Snake was just a smokescreen to throw us off from the real problem," Mo Qiang stated with a firm voice as she stood up from the boulder on which she was sitting. Now that she was outside, Mo Qiang was relaxed and her temper was no longer as bad as it was inside that thing.